Mexico Part 2 - Exploring Holbox with the Golfcart (Fotos + Videos)

I know many of you are waiting already for this second part to come out hehe, kidding :D


So here it goes: As you know from the first Part, my girlfriend Elena and I had arrived in Mexico, we got the car, stayed one night in Playa and drove all the way to Island Holbox the next day. We chilled a little bit at the beach and had a nice sleep at our Airbnb Apartment.

The next morning we could still feel the jetleg a little bit waking up early. Prepared a coffee and were really happy to finally be at paradise, with great warm weather right at the caribbean sea.

So we had coffee at the stairs and watched the sun come up, listening to the birds and enjoying the warm tropical weather.

After that we did our morning Yoga session and went streight to a little vegan restaurant right around the corner called Arte Sano. It is a great vegan and vegetarian restaurant with super fresh food, smoothies etc. You can sit inside or outside in the beautiful decorated garden.




The plan of the day was to explore the island with the most common vehicle of the island: A golf cart! The best guy to book a golf cart at holbox in terms of service and price is willy from willis tours right at the city center.

We only paid 500 pesos for 4 hours at that time! And even booked a snorkel and fishing trip for the next day (that we sadly couldn't realize because of some stomach issues hehe, but more on that later).

I don't know if you ever drove one of those but it is soo much fun! The streets are almost all sandy and made for it so you mostly have the feeling you are driving offroad.

So we went all the way to one side of the island to punta mosquito, turned around to drive a long the beach once again and get to the more far away beach of punta cocos (where we had seen the algae spectacle the night before). From there we went back to the main beach and chilled out the rest of the day.

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So once we got the golf cart we started to drive through the village towards the coast, along the beach and then to Punta Mosquito.




Punta Mosquito can be very hard to reach. You can eather go by golf cart, bike or walking through the sand banks. But the past 800 meters you have to walk. Some people even drive a little bit further by boat to the windy side of the island. It is the perfect spot for kitesurfers!!

The beach itself is really beautiful. Like a giant pool in caribbean cristal clear water! Just awesome! In the back you can see some people walking on the sandbanks.

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From there we turned around towards the village along the coast side! It is just a very beautiful ride having great ecoresorts on your left and the Caribbean sea on your right with the beach and hammocks, beach bars, etc.

I have to admit that at that point it was much more touristy than on my last visit 3 years ago, but I was glad to see that the culture and values of the island like ecotourism, sustainability and nature preservation still didn't change at all.


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To go to the other side of the island we had to cross the little village full of restaurants, tour agency and shops. Here we could enjoy the "hippy" and artist side of the culture, looking at all the streetart at our way! Incredible work! I just love streetart!












I just love how they paint about there indigenous culture and nature and how proud they about it! I think it is great and very important!

Once we got passed by a golf cart carrying a bunch of coconuts, we knew it couldn't be much further anymore.


A little bit further we finally arrived at Punta Coco!



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In my memories it was the most beautiful beach ever! When I was here a few years ago there were hammocks in the water and almost no people. Now they were gone and the beach not so special anymore.

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So we decided not to stay too long and drove back to the main beach to chill a bit in the hammocks over there. It costs about 200 pesos/hammock/day to chill.

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It was just awesome looking at the ocean and enjoying the sun. Of course we also went into the water.


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After a while we had to bring back the golf cart and decided to go home to take a shower and a little siesta.

After that we went out to go to the beach and see the sunset, but Elena all of the sudden was really white and felt bad. I got her a coca cola and hoped it helped, but it didn't.

So we went back to the apartment and yes... she had stomach issues. Super weird that it happened so late after, but I guess it was the ceviche from the day before. - That sucked. Second day at the island and already got the revenge of Moctezuma.

I got tons of Electrolite drinks, medicine and cookies and we made it confortable in the apartment for that afternoon and night.

As you can imagine nothing more that you want to hear happened that day 😉 - So more about the next day soon!

I did work a bit on my video skills though so here you got the awesome Go Pro Movie - Enjoy!


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