What Happens When You Travel, And You Arrive In A Place That You Never Want To Leave?

Garden of the Gods, Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Places I have been.

I've spent large chunks of my life traveling and moving. I have lived in
twenty two places, going on twenty three. The moving is a pain, and
has long ago lost it's excitement. The traveling, though, the traveling
doesn't seem to get old.

Colorful Colorado is the land of wonders. Silver sunrise, and golden
sunset, the crisp, clear, dry mountain air, it's a wonderful life, and it's
not even Christmas. Of all the places I have been or lived, Colorado is
a place I never feel the need to leave.

I would never, ever do such a thing, but if you are homeless and hungry,
and you know what you are doing, you can catch these little guys by
hand, if you don't mind getting a little cold and wet. A couple of these,
and a handful of raspberries, and dinner is served.

There is nothing quite like a sunrise on the Flatirons after a hard snow.

images: i.ytimg.com/vi/2g-e3URh0E4/maxresdefault.jpg

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