BoldspiritTravels: The day when I was kicked out from the party for an innocent jump into the pool;)

I adore spending my time with people with whom I can feel like a kid. :) When we are laughing a lot and we make stupid comments about ourselves ;) With the right people you can do childish things or experience childish moments without embarrassment, but with a smile on your face instead. During those moments you will not get bored and you just invent new ways of staying amused and foolish! And I like to be foolish! I like to feel joyful! And free. And light.

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I met Cathy in Tamarindo in Costa Rica. She was more-less my age, travelling in Central America. She just came from Nicaragua because she wanted to join her two “friends/colleagues” she had met sometime before on Ometepe Island. And of course, those friends were my friends as well, as we met in the Witch’s Rock.

I was sitting with those friends drinking beers and enjoying the evening as I have heard that Cathy will soon join us as she has just arrived. We clicked immediately. I saw those kinds of sparks in her eyes that genuine and friendly people have.

Around 10 pm. within the group we decided to continue the night out. There was a live concert in the bar on the other side of the street. The group was already playing, it was a mixture of reggae, blues, and rock. Well, everything I would say;) The band itself consisted of a few Costa Ricans and an Argentinian (who later became my ‘friend’, as he was a close friend of my Couchsurfing host; small world!). One of us, Matt, is also a musician, so at some point he grabbed a guitar and joined the group. So here we were drinking, “dancing” and having a good time:)

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Later on, when the band ended the concert we, obviously ;), wanted to continue the night! Although Tamarindo is a touristic place, there are many restaurants and hotels, there are not so many good places to dance! So, because of the lack of choices, we went to The Crazy Monkey Bar, a huge and very touristic spot. There was a party going on, with several dance-floors, each with different music. Me and Cathy, we went dancing salsa, boys headed to the bar, haha. Because Cathy didn’t really know how to dance I found a kindly looking;) (yes, I will defend my opinion that sometimes you can say if the person is kind and good!) man to take care of her and teach her a little bit.

Boys got a little bit tired of drinking, and the fact that they didn’t enjoy dancing, so they decided to say goodbye and they abandoned us ;)

We continued dancing, were changing the dancefloors along the night and at some point, I suggested we hit home because I started to be sleepy :) She agreed. And then asked if I have ever jumped into the swimming pool, with my cloths on, during a party? I didn’t. And I knew that we had a plan ;) So yes, there was a big swimming pool, with lights on, “protected” by a wide tape (like the one in the criminal stories). And with the words “do not jump”. Haha. Well…

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So here we were, slowly taking off our shoes and watches. We left all, including our purses, in one spot, we sneaked under the tape and jumped into the pool on three! I think (!) we didn’t make a lot of noise ;), but we started to laugh, probably loudly, so people started to look at us. Most of them were cheering and laughing with us. Quickly arrived someone from the security and demanded we leave the pool. We did, still laughing like little kids. We then heard that our behaviour is totally unacceptable, and therefore, that we are required to leave the party. Immediately.
We didn’t argue. We wanted to leave anyway. ;)

We spent a few more days together and then we split, each headed in the other direction in order to continue her travels. But, obviously, we stayed in contact! :) I visited her in the Netherlands just after my return to Europe. And she came to Poland one year later! I strongly believe that stories like this become lifelong bonds! This is what I love about solo travelling!

Thank you for being here with me. I hope until next time!
Pura Vida and enjoy your journey! ❤

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