BoldspiritTravels on a budget: “CICLOVÍA” - when bikes take over the city! Weekly! 😍 💪🏻 Bogota (Colombia) [Solo backpacking on a budget in Latin America]

On Sunday’s early morning my host asked me if I would like to take a ride on a bicycle and visit Bogota from this perspective. I got excited and agreed without hesitations. Who wouldn’t? Personally, I love to bike, especially in nature. But I also feel some kind of freedom when a city allows me to bike securely and my two-wheels becomes an alternative to public transport. And as we all know not many towns are “bike-friendly”, in most cases we still have to share streets with cars and motorcycles who get frustrated that the bikes are not as fast as they wished. Somehow many drivers seem not to be able to maintain a proper distance from bicycles. So each time there are bicycle paths across the city, the bike becomes my main mean of transport.


Bogota is said to be one of the cities that struggle with a huge traffic jam on an everyday basis. I am writing that because each late afternoon I was spending on a bus heading home and it was taking me ages to finally arrive. The buses were pack with people, like sardines. And because I was raised to never sit, and offer a chair to an older person instead, it was tiring and boring. ;) Anyway.

I have found this opinion about “Ciclovia” and decided it’s worth mentioning, here it is:

“In New York they have Central Park, in France they have the Eiffel Tower. In Bogotá, we have Ciclovía. It's the place where we can all meet up, we're all the same. The rich with the poor, kids with adults, young with old. (…) Where everyone is the same. Where we all have the same opportunity to enjoy our city. That's why Ciclovía is so important because it's the place where we have inclusion for excellence.”



Ramses lent me one of his bicycles and we went to meet his brother and sister in law. Soon I was cycling among many others, on a street with no cars. I was surprised at first because I didn’t hear about that concept before. In European cities like Amsterdam (in Holland) or Copenhagen (in Denmark) biking paths are almost everywhere and bikes are part of those cities’ identity, they coexist. But here, in Bogota, the concept was different. On each Sunday and holidays some of the major streets, all together around 120 km, are closed for cars and buses from 7 am to 2 pm. Can you believe that according to estimations around one million out of 8 million inhabitants is participating weekly in this event? It’s just crazy! And so inspiring!! 😍 💪🏻 I saw people on bicycles just like us, but also on roller blades, or runners enjoying, all together, noise and exhaust-free streets.

Like many important initiatives, “Ciclovia” was first organised (in 1974) by a group of students who wanted to promote the idea of using bicycles more frequently. In 1976 it became an official program promoted by the City government. Since then it grew substantially and spread across other cities.

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But hey, guess what! “Ciclovia” it is not only about streets without cars, which makes it even more important and attractive! It truly is a social event, with food vendors every week in the same spots, there are also free water stations! In case you need, there are bike repairs, where you can change your flat tire or check your brakes for instance.

And still, this is not all. Along the major street there are bands playing music, from traditional folk to rock. So you can jump off your bike, buy a juice and chill for some time on a sun chair while enjoying the live music. I seriously loved it. I mean, who wouldn’t?


Between the two mini-concerts, there was a break for a little performance by two “native” Americans and later a third person made a statement about the situation of Amazonian Jungle, deforestation, and corruption associated to the activity of wealthy farmers and politicians. He was passionate and left me deeply moved although unfortunately I didn’t understand all. But I remember people leaving when he was continuing his speech. I wandered and I still don’t know if this is because they feel there is nothing they can do about it, or they have heard this so many times and they’re simply tired? 😐

I would like to end today’s story with a question to you, my dear travellers - do you know/experienced examples of cities who organise something similar for their inhabitants? Could you share them with me/the rest of us? 💪🏻 😃

Thank you for being here with me. I hope until next time!
Pura Vida and enjoy your journey! ❤

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