This is a continuation of my earlier post about Sohoton.

Here now are the must-do when you're in Sohoton:

After settling down and unpacking from our cottages, we proceeded to the reception area for registration and obligatory groufie.

Notice the clear blue waters of Sohoton.


Enroute to the underground caves, we boarded a boat to enter the cove where according to our guide, boats cannot enter when it's high tide. We had to don a hard hat to prevent injuries from the ragged and sharp stalactites above. After passing through, we navigated in between jagged mountains where you will pass by the iconic "dinosaur's foot" (just my invented term).



For the life of me, I could not find our pictures and videos of our cave-diving experience. Maybe, I was too excited and forgot to take pictures back then. While looking for images via Google, it's only now that I learned that the underground cave that you went to was the Magkukuob Cave. If it's high tide, you have to hold your breath for a few seconds to swim under it then walk up some jagged rocks to reach the diving ledge. Inside the cave was an awesome experience. I thought how wonderful God made the cathedral-like dome of this cave. Simply amazing and breath-taking! I wasn't able to take pictures because I didn't have that waterproof camera. So another tip: Bring an underwater camera with auto-lighting capabilities (to compensate for low light) to capture majestic views inside the caves.

When I was down outside looking up the ledge, I thought to myself that's very low, I can certainly do it. Alas, when I was up there, whoah, that's HIGH! (I actually have fear of heights.) I wanted to back down but the thought of going back down the jagged rocks made me think twice. So with all the courage that I have, calling all the Saints to help me get through this, and the most fervent prayer to God ( and some words not fit for publishing), I shouted at the top of my lungs (didn't even remember what it was) and jumped. The rest, as the say, was HISTORY. My first and last jump from a ledge! No way Jose that I'll do it again. Nein, nada, zilch. That's it! The experience was exhilarating though once you splash down the water and know that you're still alive to live another day!


After that refreshing swim and nerve-wracking dive, we headed to the Stingless Jellyfish station. We change to a smaller boat to go to a smaller lake where the jellyfish abound. Our group was divided into smaller groups. Only 3 can fit in the smaller banca including the driver.

When we arrived at the site, we had to disembark and rode another boat to tour us around the small lake where we we held the jellyfish in our hands.

Look Ma, no sting!

I caught a blue one! (before this experience I only knew jellyfish to be white! hah!)


After the jellyfish, we went back to our cottage for a quick lunch of fresh seafood.

Fish stew, sweet and sour lapu-lapu, tuna kinilaw (ceviche) yumyum!

We went to a place called Sohoton Gamay for our Crystal and Bolitas Cave adventure.

At the cave's entrance.

Various Stalactites and Stalagmites:


Of course, with so many islets in this place, it's quite obvious that one should roam around and look for beautiful spots to take a refreshing dip. There was one islet that we stopped by and it had a very small beach head but its sand was so white and powdery that I remembered Boracay! While jumping from one islet to another and looking at the scenery along the way, what's remarkable about Sohoton is its unspoilt beauty: clean, clear, blue waters and green jagged hills.
Another tip: If you can bring a drone to capture the beauty of Sohoton from above, so much the better!

So for your next summer destination, why don't you try out Sohoton. I am sure there are lots of things you can do in this wonderful piece of paradise on earth that weren't mentioned yet like scuba diving, snorkeling, or just plain nature-tripping!

Till next my travel blog. Jarmenkell signing out!

Note: All pictures are mine except for the one sourced at Google.

By the way, click here for Part 1 of this post. Happy steeming!

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