Everything is in a box in a box in a box

Today we moved everything into a box.

Which means we've now officially switched over to camping-and-living-out-of-our-backpacks mode. I don't think I've properly realised what is happening. For about a month, my focus has been to get everything organised, packed and ready to go and I am very good at compartmentalising, i.e. keeping the eye on the prize in a rational and logical way. Emotions usually hit after I've achieved what needed to be done.

So here I sit in our local pub, a baked camembert and a half fish and chips later (didn't eat all day, see compartmentalising), and start to feel all the feels. It is slowly sinking in that I may not people watch from this corner of the pub anymore, or that our flat is so not cosy enough for this grey and rainy weather. (Reason why we're in a pub and it at home).

There is still a bit of processing time left; we're going to Brighton for a few days to switch off and prepare ourselves mentally for what's to come next. Weather isn't playing ball so I'll be wearing everything I've packed enjoying the British sea side.

Slight tangent, "our" cat has been in and out these past days exploring boxes and rooms. I wonder, if she knows we're leaving.

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