My Travel Dream team! Introduction

Let me introduce fellow travelers on Steemit and the reason why you should follow them.

When I first started on Steemit, just under two months ago my goal was to create a one-stop for travel junkies to share tips, tricks and stories in order the help people around the world and create a trusted network of travelers. Just yesterday I reached 300 followers! The people I follow are mostly fellow travel- minded people, who want to travel as much as they can.

Two months in I must say I absolutely love the platform and read so many nice stories from nice people already, by now I consider this a true hobby away from my 9-5 grind. Fortunately for some they can call themselves a digital nomad, I still need to find a way to travel again, but soon I will start again.

This blog will be about fellow travelers who each on their own way contribute to the travel minded Steemers.
I am really happy that with most I already connect and really enjoy all there blogs, it’s time to introduce the Travel Dream Team! (in random order)

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“hope the team gets bigger soon”

@liflorence (best of different world)
Andy and Li give you the best of both worlds, because of their different backgrounds they together are able to surf a large group of bloggers on Steemit, blogging in multiple languages.
From Africa to Asia and Iceland to India they got you covered with great travel stories.
Personally I am very impressed by the photography they use and as mentioned I really enjoy their work.

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“just super nice pictures!”

@World-travel-pro (budget travel)
What can you say about @world-travel-pro the guy has more then10 years of experience in travelling on a budget! 10 years! That’s just crazy, that’s why I love all his tips and tricks.
He even took the time to answer a question I had regarding travelling and making money.

travel tips, travel reports and many more informative travel articles this guy has you covered.
I hope he will last on Steemit because I know he is struggling to find the time to put in.

So everybody who wants to travel on a budget, world –travel-pro is the one to follow.
He is also very smart with investments and that’s the reason he can travel as much, apart from trying to convince everybody to not waste money and focus on traveling, just like my spirit!

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@surfermarly (surf’s up!)
A super interesting blog about an outgoing girl who loves to surf! She joined the platform in July 2016 so she joined almost right from the start! By now she has over 2300 followers, so that means her stories are a good read.
Her story about who she became a nomad is very inspiring. She worked really hard for where she is right now.

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@dannystravels (Safari king)
If you like wildlife or Africa in general @dannystravels is great to follow. I am very impressed by his posts and always dream about being there and exploring the beautiful continent of Africa.
His posts do really well because he does things other people won’t do and because of his unique destinations, his pictures are really impressive and the wildlife he encounters is just a blessing.
From buffalo, waterbuck, giraffes and Cheetah Danny saw them all, want to see all the animals as well just follow his blog.

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@susanne and @travelmarcus (nomads)
My latest Norwegian friends! Both of them travel much and Marcus just got introduced by Susanne.
If you are looking for blogs with a wide variety of topics those two are great to follow. From food to tips about working digital and lessons learned while travelling I always enjoy their posts.

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@holm (cyclist)
I love every travel blog of the Travel Dream Team. But I must say the story of Mikkel Holm is most inspiring. This guy decided to leave his comfort behind and travel by bike.
He managed to bike from Denmark all the way to Greece so far! This is something not everybody dares and that’s why I love his courage! Keep biking my friend

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@anna-redhead (South East Asia expert)
Another interesting couple is the account of @anna-redhead. Anna and her boyfriend live as digital nomads as well, by now they are in South East Asia for 3 years already and have a lot of strong posts to show for.

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@Theywillkillyou (online master)
And last but not least my friend @theywillkillyou who introduced me to Steemit in order to have a change to meet everybody and maybe one day earn some money that I can use to travel.
Right now he is super busy with his youtube channels and looking into property to buy somewhere in this wonderfull world.
But his blogs about his lifestyle are super interesting so I will say keep your eyes out for his next post.
And again thanks my friend for introducing me.

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Thanks for reading this post, and to all travelers I would say let’s help each other to discover this beautiful world!
I am sure I forgot some nice creators in my post some even I follow, so I will introduce my Second Dream Team soon! For now pick the one you like best and follow their adventures! From biking to wildlife and surfing there is posts for everyone.

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