#6 The Best Celebrations in the World! April Part 1 (Haas Picks)

Welcome back to the best celebrations in the world!
For the people that missed the first editions, travelers always like to be part of something new and unique. Traveling is all about exploring and meeting people as well as creating lasting memories.
Most people that travel don’t plan everything and go with the flow, they depend on other travelers on where to go or you can just make sure you read this post.

Within this topic of my blog I will take to the best celebrations in the world by month, so don’t confuse this post with my other series “the best travel destinations” this one will be more about celebrations hosted all around the world, so be sure not to miss out and enjoy!

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Fetes du Masques
Who want to join me to Mali? The African continent has so much to offer, myself I did not visit Africa properly I only went to Morocco. So let this be a chance for you to discover more on the continent many of us don’t know much about. Dogon County in Mali is hosting the Festival of the Masks for five days in April. For outsiders the Masked dancers and festival looks just like some fun but for the people of Mali it has so much more meaning. They serve spiritual purposes, to guide the souls of the dead or to pass the knowledge to the young. It’s a thank you to the gods for the harvest.

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Sumo Festival
Probably this festival does not need an explanation, just look at the name and you will know what’s it all about!
I visited Tokyo for a week a few years ago and I was really impressed by the respect for the elderly and with the traditions that are part of Japanese daily life. The county has so much to offer and I would love to visit for a longer time period. Maybe April is just the month for it, head over to the Sensoji Temple for culture on display for you.
“Naku ko wa sodatsu” means Crying babies grow fast! I am very surprised my little brother did not grow taller haha.
Basically student sumo wrestlers each grasping a squirming baby, face each other, and wait to see witch child will cry first! The baby that cries the loudest wins!

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Takayama Matsuri
I gave you the option to go to Japan and said maybe it is fun to stay some longer, you can visit Takayama all year if you want of course but twice a year the host a fun festival, one to celebrate the spring is coming (mid April) and the other to welcome the autumn.
Go to the historic and the southern half of the old town to see a big parade with tall and colorful floats passing by in the river. The whole town will join you to applause and enjoy the celebration.

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Le Mat Snake festival
Lets stay in Asia a little bit longer to make your trip less expensive and less intense because of the distance. Around a 1000 years ago a local snake catcher was able to fight of a giant snake to rescue the kings daughter, that’s what the celebration is all about. The day begins with dancing and prayers and a beauty competition for the Snakes and ends in consumption of snake meat and wine.

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I hope you enjoyed the post and just celebrate as much as you can! Will be back soon with part 2 for the month.

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