Making Friends With Soldiers During Martial Law

 "If  you don't want to be shot in Las Vegas, go to Las Vegas.  If you don't  want to be shot in England, go to England.  Those whom are afraid to  travel to Las Vegas, will be shot in France.  Those whom are afraid to  go to England will be shot in Las Vegas."

The lesson of this  post is letting fear dictate where you travel.  It is a shame to let  tragic situations keep you from seeing the world, enjoying  yourself, living life.  If you are too afraid to travel to one place,  something tragic may happen somewhere else!  To not fear a place and  still visit gives you more of a chance to have a memorable time there.   But if you fear travel, you are oppressing your soul.  After 911 my  family still flew to the East.  After riots in South Africa we still  went to South Africa.  We went to Thailand DURING Martial Law.  Double  Decker bus bomb in England; we still went.  And on every journey we had a  breathtaking, memorable experience.  And will be returning this year!

In the photo below we walked right through a military camp by accident  DURING MARTIAL LAW IN THAILAND!  The guy was nice and I asked if I could  take a pic with him.  Any questions? 

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