More Interesting Asian Foods

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A while back, I wrote an article about interesting foods I tried in Asia that you don’t hear much about in America (

Here are a few other foods I didn’t mention, either because I couldn’t find good photos or they seemed a bit too bizarre.

1 Stir-Fried Eggs and Tomatoes
I’m not a huge fan of dishes that have scrambled eggs in them.

However, I’ll definitely get this again if I can find it.

As the name and photos suggest, this is basically eggs cooked with tomatoes and maybe some onions.

The tomato juice seeps into the eggs, giving it a great flavor, and the tomatoes had a surprisingly good texture.

2 Fried Scorpions on a Stick
I tried these in a food market in Beijing.

After that (and the stuffed intestines I tried later in my trip), I pretty much lost my squeamishness about trying local foods.

The scorpions didn’t taste like much.

The frying oil had cooked most of it away, so it really just tasted like eating a shell made of cooking oil.

Maybe next time I should get a bigger one.

3 Apple Dumplings

These are a little easier to find in the United States than the other options I’ve mentioned here.

Basically, it’s apples cooked in honey and dough.

It tastes great and since it’s not technically a dessert option, you can have it with the rest of your meal options.

4 Spicy Chicken Pizza

One night in Beijing, my teammates ordered a pizza.

When it came, I discovered the pizza had bits of spicy white chicken on it.

I didn't care for it, but then I'm not a huge fan of spicy foods.

5 Russian Ice Cream

Generally, when you buy ice cream in the United States it comes in a cardboard or plastic container shaped like a bucket or crate.

During my time in Mongolia, one of my friends bought some ice cream (I later found out it was a Russian brand) that came in a plastic bag.

The bag was like a thicker version of the bags people sell loaves of bread in, so the icre cream was shaped like a loaf.

Fortunately, it tasted great, it was just interesting to watch someone serve ice cream by cutting it into slices.

Article and Images Copyright 2018 by Gabriel Connor Salter. Feel free to share or quote as long as you attribute me as the original author.

For other fun stories about unusual experiences I had during my trip, check out this article:

You can also find a book I wrote about my travels in Asia here:

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