What will I do to become my highest Self? Travel Blog to the Desteni Farm - Day 7


**This boy is Stout, @sunettespies pup, the one in the back is Lucy, they are quite chilled and relaxed dogs. I remember Stout as a baby and he was quite mischievous, though very sweet. As you can see in this photo he has matured quite a bit. He also came from the streets as a puppy barely clinging to life, but he decided to live, which shows the integrity of who he is. I like to enjoy the unique expressions that come through the different types of animals I meet, and i am equally learning this with humans. Henri would enjoy it here, i miss him dearly. **

Day 7

Today I woke up early, I am practicing living the word discipline and within this actually standing within the tasks that I set out for myself to do. I started with working on my mind construct for two hours. Then I got up and got some breakfast, and came back to my computer to do some work from home that needed to get done asap. I then planned to go and start a project I was given by Gian to help with making fresh top soil for the earth haven projects. So this is where I started moving physically in my day. I must say I do enjoy the physical labor more then the computer/intellectual, there is something to feeling your muscles work, your body sync up with self and get things done, and also working with the earth, supporting nature and people, it was awesome.

I also had the pleasure of some help with Leila and Cesar! So had some nice chats with Leila and Cesar helped out with moving rocks and digging and being cute : ) Then had some lunch and realized I was making dinner with Kim tonight, so started to prepare for that. Dinner making is like a dance in a way, you are always on the go and coordinating as you move, Kim did most of the planning and preparing. We fubbed up and forgot to get pasta for our pasta meal, so Gian was kind enough to drive me to the store and we picked up some needed supplies. The dinner turned out to be quite nice and it was fun moving real time and making it all work! Thanks to Kim mostly, though we worked as a good team I would say.

I ate dinner and watched a series, and then had to do the dishes. Finished those up, took a shower, and now I am in bed. All the while during the day standing in principle of what is best, self awareness, self forgiveness, and living my change to the best of my ability. This farm environment supports much in allowing one to express themselves in who they are as well as standing as support and openness to walk with in whatever is necessary, as we are all treated as equals. It's a really awesome place and I am enjoying every minute!

More to come tomorrow, thanks for keeping up and following my story.

Source: http://forum.desteni.org/viewtopic.php?f=50&t=8309

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