My Trip To Europe

In this post, as I said on my first blog entry, I would like to tell you about my trip to Europe.

I did this trip with 7 other friends, we were all aged 21 and 20 years old, pretty young you could say, and we were really lucky because it is really hard for an entire group of friends to make such a trip, since there are always some "external" things that don´t let one to travel, as they could be a work you can´t quit, a family you have to support or can´t leave behind or maybe the lack of enough money.
So I must admit that I´m really happy for the fact that the 8 of us could travel together, for almost 2 months, visiting incredibles places, it was our first time visting Europe, except for one of my friends who had lived in Italy when he was young.

Like all the trips, it started with the planning, here in Argentina, it is really common that on summer(December-January-February) people/group of friends go on holidays, usually 14 days, to what we call "La Costa", which is the beach of Buenos Aires, the places where people usually go are Mar del Plata, Pinamar, Villa Gesell.
Like all the years, we were planning where we would go this summer, and one of us proposed to do something different, and after lots of ideas we decided to go to Europe, for a long period(2 months), this was decided because by staying more time the trip would be more "economical" by staying more time, and of course, who wouldn´t want to travel for such a long time with friends?
After a lot of discussion, we had to ask our parents if they would approve, since none of us have a job because we all are students(We also helped by doing some jobs to gather money, we are not that lazy :P)
As they all agreed we started planning what places to visit, how many time to stay in each city, and this was a really hard part, 8 people agreeing on the same places and how much time is hard, but thanks to democracy, the most voted places where the ones we visited.
This is me and Nacho before aboarding our plane on the 26th of December.

Now let´s talk about the trip itself, 6 of us arrived the 14th of December, the other 2(one of this 2 was me) arrived on the 27th, this was because we had to sit for some final exams so we couldn´t travel earlier. From the 14th, the first group visited Madrid,Barcelona,Dublin and Edinburgo, on the 27th when me and my other friend arrived, we all gathered at London, a really fantastic city which I fell rapidly in love with.
I would love to talk about each of the cities but the post would be really long so I would save it for a later post.
So we all continued together, after London we went to Paris, a city I didn´t really like at first sight, but I ended liking it. After Paris we went to Brussels, here it was fucking cold, it was really hard for us to out of the hotel since it was freaking cold. We then went to Amsterdam, the city of freedom, here I regret one thing and it is smoking all the time, which made me not enjoy the city as much as I could have done. We then split, 4 of us went to Berlin, the rest of the group went to Prague. I went to Berlin, and I was shocked, I expected a really big and noisy city, and ended up finding it was a really quiet capital, with lots of history and things to learn. We then went to Prague, the group had to remain together, Prague was a really cheap city compared to the rest of the places, but being it was so cheap we ended up wasting way much money partying.
After Prague we went to Munich, lovely people here, we went drinking to hofbräuhaus, a really known with great beer served here. We then went to Florence, the city of the Renaissence, we only stayed one day, and really took advantage of it, since we saw the sunset from the Piazzale Michelangelo. After Florence we went to Rome, one of my favourite places and where I want to go again, so much of our history is here, and it was really exciting to get into the arena of the colosseum.
We then went to Gualdo Tadino, it is a small town, this is where our friend lived on his childhood, so we wanted to visit this place, meet his friends, we played a footbal match against them and went for drinks together.
After Gualdo, we went to Bologna to take a plane to Madrid, the end was near, this was the last destination of 7 of my friends, I must admit Madrid really looks like Buenos Aires, but cleaner, better organized, and cheaper. One of my friends got his phone stolen on a night out, it was a pity but at least it was just a guy who "pickpocketed" so there wasn´t any violence involved.
The 2nd of February my friends took a plane back and I stayed alone since I wanted to be some more days, I went to the south of Spain, Almeria, a place with the most beautiful beaches I´ve seen(not that I have seen too many) and really beautiful women. I then went to Granada, met "La Alhambra", a place of which I will talk in a further post.
I then went to Barcelona,the final destination, someone I know from my city was here, so I stayed with her all the days I was in Barcelona. Barcelona is a fantastic city, and one where I would definitely live, it has beach, it has a mount with a great park, it has a good night, it is a safe,clean city.
While being in Barcelona, me and Agus, this person I knew, went to Girona, we mainly visited this city because some chapters of Game of Thrones were filmed here.

I hope you enjoyed this short description of my trip, I will make more posts trying to talk about each city I visited.

Here is a pic of 6 of us, at Luxemburgo Gardens, in Paris.

Thank you all for reading the post, I appreciate it!

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