GETTING INTO THE BALINESE CULTURE /// Ceremony. Waterfall. Workshop. Dance.

Finally, we had a chance to attend an event of Balinese culture and along with that, we saw a life of local people.



Galungan is a Balinese holiday celebrating the victory of dharma (good) over adharma (bad) for 10 days. It is the time when the ancestral spirits visit the Earth. The last day of the celebration is Kuningan, when they return.

There are more than 20 000 temples in Bali where the locals can do the ceremony.



We were attending the last Kuningan day and it was our pleasure to be there and to see how it happens.


Firstly, they put offering to Gods, small and big baskets full of goods, like fruits, eggs, nuts. After that they are praying for almost one hour and with prayers they are respecting the spirits.




When it all comes to an end, people take their baskets and leave the temple. As we know, they continue the celebration at home and it’s more important than ceremony.



We got an offer to attend one more ceremony at another temple. When we arrived there, we saw waaay more people in there and it all looked so massive.




We were the only foreigners there and people kind of admired us, that we came to see the ceremony.


It was nice to experience it and one more thing to say, Bali is an island of celebration, almost every day there is a celebration of something and that’s quite surprising. Only there is a bad side for it - banks, ATM’s, immigration centers etc. are not be careful, haha.


We arrived to a small village, left our cars and went to see the waterfall. The path to the waterfall is full of extreme, as it’s not touristic yet, the path is not with stairs or something safe, it’s all wild. The feeling was like you are going through the jungle + it’s hot and we couldn’t stop dreaming about having a shower in waterfall.


The whole path took us around 15 minutes and we finally reached our destination. The waterfall was not very big, but still it was nice!




We chilled down for some time and then slowly went back.


You ask how did we manage to see everything? Well, for a productive day you have to wake up with the sun :)

The next place we visited was wood carving workshop. 2 men were sitting on the floor and they had a door to carve.


They took the tools and started their work. Such a nice atmosphere was there, guys worked in traditional costumes and music playing.




They said for one order they need at least 15-20 days. Oh, I believe how much patience they need. The work they do is incredible and now we can understand why the architecture is so spectacular in Indonesia.


After a workshop the local people invited to see the dance in which the dancers show the battle between the good and the bad.

We were quite excited to see it and when the kids went out, we understood that we will love it. Kids started the dance and the teacher was helping them. It was so cute how they played with their emotions and eyes, the boy was focused the whole dance, he didn’t even change his face expression.






After the kids show, a bit older girls came to show their dance. They could involve everyone who was watching, the movements of hands were so clear and smooth and they even did a ‘dance with eyes’ so they could hypnotize you. It was an incredible experience to see it.





We were so impressed by this culture and now we know at least something about Balinese culture.

Thank you for reading and stay tuned for more :)


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