Everything started with an early morning, actually, whatever you want to do, the sunrise or the sunset time is the best for 2 reasons. Firstly, you can take the most beautiful pictures and the second reason is there are no crowds of tourists.



So we decided to check out now so popular “The Campuhan Ridge Walk”. If you are in Ubud and didn’t do it, count it as you didn’t visit it at all.




We started our little morning walk, with every step it got more spectacular, views were opening and sun was rising. Could be a bit more quite, because some local tourists decided to go in company and you can probably imagine how “quiet” it was. But as long as they were far away from us, we could enjoy every second.



The greenery around was filling us with its calmness and refreshment.

This walk is about 2 km long and it can take from 40 minutes to 2,3,4 hours if you want. Great place for stunning pictures, jogging and feeding your soul.




After breakfast we knew where to go next, it was Tegenungan waterfall, around 30 minutes drive from Ubud. We realized that it can be full of tourists but we risked it.


Firstly, you have to pay for entry, 2000 rupees per person. Then it takes a bit of stairs to concur to get down to the waterfall. While going down there is one small waterfall from the left side with nice swings.



When we got to the waterfall, there were a bit of tourists but still, we could enjoy it and take some photos.



The waterfall itself was in a well located place, it wasn’t huge, because we have something to compare to, haha.


Out of curiosity we went for a walk to explore the romantic streets of Ubud. Every restaurant put on some nice music, turn on the lights and it’s such a pleasure to go for a walk like this. In some more popular restaurants there was a live music. Music bands were playing instrumental and reggae, sound was flying around and you could hear it all over the street.


Invite your loved one for a romantic date, buy an ice cream and just talk about things which made you fall in love with each other.



For sunset we wanted to check out so famous rice fields, but when we got there we saw a lot of big buses full of tourists, loads of scooters and cars and for what? For dry rice terraces, hahah :D No doubts they are beautiful, but I guess it wasn’t a right time for visiting them. We didn’t want to spend money for it and Yan offered to go wherever the road leads.

The road was going uphill and it was getting colder, we thought where the hell are we going? And after driving 30 minutes we accidentally arrived to Mt. Batur (volcano) and the view surprised us a lot from the first second. We really wanted to stay there for sunset, but it was too cloudy and cold :D

After checking the mountain we decided that we want to go trekking next morning, because the thought of the ‘climbing the volcano’ sounded great.


For the best views we had to wake up at 3 am to get ready, to drive till the mountain (around 1 hour) and to climb it till the sun rises. BUT GUESS who couldn’t wake up so early in the morning? Yayy, we couldn’t and missed our chance, but at least we had a great sleep in our warm bed :D

For this one we are gonna come back one day, because we can’t miss this chance.

There are so many things we want to see and explore, so we thought maybe we should stay in Bali for longer?! :)


Thank you for lovely feedback, it keeps us inspired.


Extreme Romance

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