In an island called KO CHANG

Warning: Long post ahead! .

It has always been my wish to travel far and experience nature, go to the beach and just chill without worrying about anything. So, when I travel and take some time off, I make sure that I experience going to places I wish to go to.

When I got the chance to visit my sister in Thailand, one of the things we planned to do was to visit this island called KO CHANG.

Ko Chang or Elephant Island, one of the largest Thai islands, is about 8 hours away from Bangkok.

Arriving at the Island, when everyone got on pickup taxis heading to the right side, where all the white beaches are, the three of us were left (me, my cousin, and my sister) and waited for the taxi that will bring us to this little and unpopular place called Salak Phet Seafood and Resort.

Looks like we’re gonna have the whole place on our own!

And we did!

Arriving at the resort, there were not much people around. The staffs were so accommodating, and the place was so peaceful and relaxing.

However, we couldn’t figure out where we are gonna go swimming because, yes, there were no sand, nor shore, but only water (that we think was not “swimmable”.)

We asked, and we were answered - we could go to this little white beach island across our resort by KAYAK! WHAT?!

Challenging as it is but we had to reach the island where we could enjoy the water. But when we were almost at the island across, we couldn’t find any sand or any place where we could dock our kayaks and go swimming. I was so scared and it’s almost sunset, so we decided to just take photos with the island and go back to our resort.

And even if we were on the water, we were still able to make a video call to our mom and showed her our journey! . That's how fast the Internet is in that place.

The next day, we asked the staff again where we could swim. We found out we went to the wrong island and the one where we could swim was almost behind that island. We were dazed for a moment.. and said.. we have to seize the moment. And it would be a waste not to go for a swimming at all.

So, a little braver than before, we went again for another kayak adventure (By the way, we always take two kayaks with us, but I never went alone. I rode with either my sister or my cousin. It has its advantages though because I could take a rest while the other is paddling. :D)

Crossing the ocean, passing by one island and getting to the next one was the most challenging for me. Who would know what’s in the water and how deep it is? And we’re kayaking on our own without any guide or staff from the resort. And it takes 30 minutes to get there. We paddled, and took photos, on our way to the island!

And boy, we were bedazzled! It was a tiny island, the sand was white and superfine, the water was crystal clear, and we have the beach on our own! We swam for about an hour, took photos and ran around.

I later found out that the beach was the white sand beach of Parama Koh Chang.

It was a bit scary being just us, there was an abandoned resort/restaurant on the side, there were sounds from creatures we may never thought what they are… but hey, we paddled our way, got tired, so we should less think of those and relax. But good things last because we had to go back to our resort before the sun sets.

I never regretted going to the island, it was really enchanting, and we witnessed one of the most beautiful sunsets while in the middle of the ocean.

By the way, we were supposed to stay for one night, but it wasn’t enough.

We decided to stay again for another night and were given a discount! We ate at the restaurant and had a good night sleep since we were planning again another adventure the next morning… which I would be blogging very soon.

I hope you find this post interesting. And for those who are asking how we got to Ko Chang, I will be writing another post for it. Ciao!

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