How To Have that Money You Need to Travel The World Without Dealing Drugs or Selling Your Soul


Money. It’s one thing that’s holding most people back from traveling. When in fact, you don’t really need to be rich in order to travel, and it is not a cliche. I can tell this from experience as I’m probably the poorest among all the travelers, yet I was able to travel to both sides of the world. You keep saying that you don’t have enough money. But if you really want to travel then make it your top priority, otherwise you will just have enough money for everything else such as shopping, going out, buying the latest version of iPhone, driving a new car, etc.

Spend your money on experiences and not only on things. You’ll lose stuff but experiences can never be taken away from you. And you’ll have great stories to tell, or to write about, like on steemit! You’ll see how you’ll get the return of investment later on.

Have the balls to finally pursue what you want. Don’t know where to start? Well, if you really, really want something, then nothing is impossible. But I can give you some tips on how to get that money in order to travel the world without doing anything illegal.

  1. So you are about to quit your job after many years of working. I’m pretty sure that you’ll get some final pay from the company. Use it as your start money.

  2. Are you still young and single, don’t have family yet, kids or any responsibilities? Then good, it would be easier for you to save money. Do you have your own house / apartment - rent it out. Do you have a car? Sell it (Unless you would be traveling by car which would probably be more expensive). Sell your belongings.

  3. Be frugal when you’re about to quit your job and travel. Reduce your expenses. Prepare your own coffee instead of stopping every day at the fancy cafe. Reduce your utility bills by conserving energy and water.

  4. Earn some extra income by doing some side jobs you are passionate about like playing music on the street or in a bar, taking photos or making handicrafts. These are useful skills that will come in handy when you are already traveling. You might be able to travel and make money at the same time.

  5. Write good quality content for steemit! This is now the best way to earn money online that you can use to travel the world. Express how you are about to quit your job and travel, share your stories and inspire others to do the same.

  6. Stay away from people who spend a lot or who are financially irresponsible. Tell your friends that you are saving some money to travel the world. Find some other ways to hang out with them without spending too much. You can go out and still let loose though, just have some control. Remember the priority!

  7. Sell your TV or throw it out the window. Ditch the cable and satellite service. Have more time to read books to get inspired.

  8. Eat out less often. Cook your own meals and practice cooking your local dish. You might be cooking a lot for your hosts or for yourself when you are already traveling.

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