TIME TRAVEL / Does it exist? You Will Be VERY surprised / Read on.

Time Travel / Does it exist/ This is a great question indeed. Check out this quote from Stephen Hawking

"Time travel used to be thought of as just science fiction, but Einstein's general theory of relativity allows for the possibility that we could warp space-time so much that you could go off in a rocket and return before you set out." Stephen Hawking

Einstein himself says "The distinction between the past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion".

Why do we find advanced relics of today in rocks that are at least 100,000 years old? Check this picture out of a European Electrical plug outlet in 100,000 year old rock

Or what about the screw found in 100,000 year old rock?

Check out this hammer in 100,000 year old rock, found in Texas

Check out this alien type artifact found in a piece of coal from the bottom of a coal mine.

Here is a guy that seems to be from the 1980's inside of a photo that looks to be taken in the 1940's. He is wearing a t-shirt with a logo, and is wearing Glacier Sunglasses. Those sunglasses didn't exist back then. And, what is in his hands? Camcorder perhaps?

This one is way out there. "A mystery continues to surround the curious excavation of a strange artifact and those who recovered it from the depths of an ancient tomb in China. When archaeologists reportedly recovered a modern-looking, mud-encrusted artifact from a 400-year-old sealed tomb, their astonishment was apparent. For some, this type of discovery could have only meant one thing—it was evidence of time travel. Was the discovery real?" Ancient-origins.net

Andrew Basiago, who apparently worked for the CIA tells of when he time traveled to Gettysburg in order to view the battle. He says this picture was taken of him while he was there. Hmm

Of course all of us know about the Philadelphia Experiment in which the U.S.S Eldridge vanishing into thin air and transporting during World War 2 in 1943 to a time in 1983 in Montauk, New York. Apparently the ship was gone for exactly 4 hours. When it returned to 1943 the ship seemed to have reconstructed itself and sailors where actually embedded inside of the steel structure. Many attribute this experiment with Nikola Tesla

Here is Nikola Tesla in the flesh. If you are interested in the subject matter of time travel then begin your research with Nikola Tesla. The Rabbit Hole just got a little Bigger.

What are your thoughts? Here is a video you all might enjoy concerning the subject of time travel. This video is about the Philadelphia Experiment. Enjoy

(Video uploaded by saif316)

Check it out and thanks for looking at my post. Cheers
I LOVE STEEMIT. Thank you Steemit for giving me the opportunity to have this blog. If I were a time traveler I think I would always want to travel HOME.

Article by me, @crowe
(All photo's from google imaging)

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