PHILIPPINE ADVENTURE #1 Campuestohan Escapade


"Sometimes, you don't really need to go farther from your end to get the feeling of being in a new place and see things that are different from your corner," I realized. There is more in my local area that I haven't been to in the past months and even years. I simply need a little time, effort and some amount of money to be in those places.

My sisters who came over from Manila to visit me at home here in Bacolod, pushed me to get on my feet to have an afternoon adventure with them at Campuestohan, Higland Resort in Bacolod, Negros Occidental. The said Highland Resort is a thirty minute ride from Alegria, Murcia, Negros Occidental. There, you'll get to see structures different from other destinations. Last Friday's adventure under the rain in that place, got me and my sisters a little damp and cold. Although we wanted to stay a little bit longer, but the unfriendly weather drove us home too soon after an hour and thirty minutes of structure hopping. We tried to force ourselves to delay going back home because we liked to savor our short stay there. But our stomachs also kept disturbing us, telling us we needed a real lunch and not just snacking. Thus, our adventure ended earlier than we have planned or imagined.


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