Karl's Siem Reap Travel Blog Vol.1 哲仔暹粒遊記<一>

Hi there~ Today I want to share my adventure to Siem Reap with you;) I went there in June 2017 as part of my graduation trip. The major goal for this trip is to visit the Angkor Wat!!!!!!!

大家好~這次我想跟大家分享我到暹粒的經歷;) 我是6月份去的, 作為我畢業旅行的其中一站。而這次旅程的重點就是去吳哥窟!!!!!!!!

Actually I had no idea about this trip at all!!! It was a solo adventure and I didn't do any preparation before going there. I just chose a hostel which organised day tours to Angkor Wat and bought the flight ticket. The hostel seems really nice and they even offered me free pick up from the airport. This was so warm~~~~~ However, when I arrived Siem Reap, I waited for 1 hour but no one showed up. I was like an abandoned kid. You may wonder if it was a trap. And the answer is NO. The person who supposed to picked me up was sick and that's why he didn't show up. I called the hostel and they arranged another TukTuk to pick me up.

其實我完全沒有作任何準備功課就直接自己一個人去了!!! 選好青年旅館和買了機票,我的旅程正式開始! 我選的旅館非常好,他們甚至提出免費從機場接我去呢;) 好貼心哦~ 可是當我到埗的時候,我在機場等了一個小時也沒人接我:( 就像被拋棄了一樣。我還懷疑這是一個騙局! 我開通電話卡以後打給Hostel, 原來是接我的人病了, 他們之後再安排另一架TukTuk接送我。

The Siem Reap airport looks like a hotel lol 當地機場好像酒店哈哈

I took the TukTuk alone! And it was actually my first time taking a TukTuk. I need to hold my bag tight as it was like a roller coaster! 我第一次坐篤篤車。我要全程緊抱行李以防被拋出去!

The facilities of the hostel are really nice. They even have a swimming pool which is free~ There is a restaurant and bar in the hostel which offer cheap drinks and Cambodian dishes. After all those accidents, all I wanted to do is to fill my stomach. I had my first Cambodian dishes there. It's called Lok Lak. Lok lak is a Cambodian beef stir fry served with onions, cucumbers and tomatoes, and dipped in a sauce containing lime juice, salt and pepper.

旅館的設施很好, 還有免費的游泳池呢~ 那裡也有餐廳和酒吧, 有東西喝也有柬埔寨菜吃~ 多災多難以後我當然要先吃飽! 我點了Lok Lak, 是一個我最喜歡的菜, 有牛肉配以蕃茄黃瓜等配料, 很開胃很好吃!

Free swimming pool! 游泳池

Food menu in the hostel. 旅館的菜單

My room. 我住的房間

The lobby full of travellers like me! 滿滿的大堂!

The dish I had. 我吃的東西

After the great meal, I booked a tour to the Grand Circuit of Angkor, including a sunset tour! It cost only $20 USD!!!!! The cost for the hostel is just 6USD per night! The spending of this trip is really low~

吃完飯以後我就為下一天作準備,在大堂報了遊吳哥大圈的團, 還可以看日落呢~ 也只是20美金而已!!! 每晚旅館只要6美金, 整個旅程都很便宜!

We can choose the tour in the lobby. 旅館有不同的團可以報

If you want to know more about my adventure, please follow and upvote me! I will keep sharing my journey regularly.

如果你想了解更多我的旅程, 請關注和upvote我! 我會定期更新的~

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