Goa memories.. my first time scuba diving experience , soul searching and a lot more

Hey Friends,

How are you all?

I went to Goa a couple of months back and here I am sharing my experience with you. Happy reading :)


One day , as I was stuck at the work place physically , my mind was wandering as usual. Wandering at some place where it wanted to be. I was desperate for a break. I wanted to go to some place away from all this chaos and find why I was doing all this work, for whom, the purpose of my being. I was sick of meeting deadlines, eating improperly, not exercising and feeling lost all the time. I was unhappy, dull and tired. But you see travel is a privilege. Its expensive and not "considered" safe for a girl, to travel alone specially where I live or rather exist. But anyway, I convinced my parents and planned a vacation to Goa with my girl friends. My excitement was at the next level. This was not the first time I was travelling to some other state in India, but its different for Goa. Goa is relatively a "free" state. Free as in its easier to get booze there ( its more than that) and people don't judge you, if you are a girl and drinking. Not only booze, something is definitely different in Goa's air, its relaxing and the best place in India to rewind and rewire your brain. The people, food, the sea, its produce, the culture and the laid back aura, I am in love.


In this trip, I wanted to explore myself more, like what all can I do , my limits and how much I can push them. Scuba diving was on my bucket list since a while now and it was my chance to get it off the list. Plus I heard that its an experience worth having. I am a non swimmer hydrophobic and had no idea how I am going to attempt it , but I was ready to experience that adrenaline rush no matter how. It took me a while to get comfortable in the swimming pool for the training itself but the instructor was very supportive and then post training under water in the pool, we took off for the sea. It was a long journey till The Grande Island where we were supposed to anchor our boats and dive in. But it was fun. The sea was rough but its always fun to share your journey with friends :)

My heart skipped a beat when I saw how we are going to dive in.It was a back flip from the boat. I am someone who cant dive straight in but flipping inside the ocean was another challenge. Worried about my landing I just shut my eyes and went inside.And man it was scary. I forgot everything that I was going through in my life at that point of time. All I could feel was myself and the salty water. I felt alive midst everything. My heart was pounding, but there was a sense of pride in attempting this. It took me a couple of minutes to get comfortable under water. But that was an ethereal experience. I am so happy and proud that I did it.


Visiting Goa was mesmerizing. I had so much fun at the beaches, having wonderful food at the shacks. Watched sunsets , danced my ass off and forgot all my sorrows and stress for a while. That's what travelling is supposed to do to you.


I love first times. It was my first time diving, my first time travelling in the sea, My first casino visit inside a ship, my first time watching a real ship wreck underwater, wow , that was amazing.

I am grateful to God or any force that exists to make me capable so that I could experience something like this, to do something I have never done before. I am thankful for my life.

I hope I visit Goa soon and make more unforgettable memories. :)

As I said I love first times, what are your unforgettable first times that you adore the most. Share in the comments below. Lets share our stories and have some fun :)

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