After reaching Mars, what people will eat?

The plan is to send people to Mars in the next decade.  But after reaching Mars, what people will eat?  Will their food be taken from the earth, or is there any chance of cultivation from Mars? 


If there is a possibility of settling human settlements in future, there will definitely be no arrangement for food production. Because of the extra cost of sending food there through the rocket to the world over and over again. 

Recently found the water on Mars. Farming can be done using this water.  But there is a lot more material in addition to water for food production. 


What kind of food can be produced? 

It is wrong to expect that all kinds of food will be available on Mars as on Earth. Some studies have suggested that food may be made primarily from germs.  In small areas water can be used in greenhouses and controlled environment. In the same way, the process of trying to cultivate vegetables at the International Space Station may also be used in Mars.

Mars is like the Earth in some aspects, because of which people are thinking of settling there. But there are many differences with the Earth. 

For example:

1. Compared to the gravitational gravity of Mars, one third of the gravitational gravity. 


2. The amount of sunlight that comes on Earth, goes to Mars, half of it. But more harmful ultra-violet rays and radioactivity comes there more than Earth.

3. Mars's temperature is below 60 degrees Celsius below zero. 

4. Most of its atmosphere is carbon dioxide. 

5. Mars is not like earth's soil. The soil of Mars is' Regolith '. It contains a large amount of  Par-clortate chemical which is poisonous for humans. 

6.  There is no liquid water. Mostly ice. There is less water pressure in the atmosphere at 5 degrees Celsius. 

 So,  it is understood that due to the cold, dark and adverse weather  conditions, the trees of the world as well as humans will have trouble in survival. Plants that have adapted to the environment for millions of years in the world. If they are sent to Mars, it will be difficult to survive. 

So, is there any way? 

 Researchers expect, they can create special trees that can adapt to Mars using synthetic biology methods. With the help of genetic engineering, such plants can be created through the coming decades.  They will have to survive in low temperatures and low sunlight.  In addition, bacteria have to be used to free the soil from poisonous soil. All these changes are possible under current science and technology. 


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