CRAZY STORY about getting cannabis in Nicaragua

I figured is tell this story as its quite entertaining and interesting.... Before i tell the story i should made it known that me and my wife dont drink, dont party and dont use drugs!! We are both medical marijuana patients (with cards)!

So after spending 3 months traveling costa rica we got to Nicaragua for a month long Stay! Ill tell the story about the border nightmare another time (oh god!!).

As i said me and my wife dont drink at all and san juan is a party town.... There 10k people live here and like 15 hostels and like 20 bars! Well our days of bars and alcohol are past us, so i was on a misson to find us decent weed here....

So i seen a bar with a canadian flag (we are canadian) and talked to the bartenders and he told me weed is harder to find here as the communist government is harsh on all "drugs". He told me cocaine is much easier to find (no thanks!!!) He told me the guys selling sunglasses sell weed too......

So i went to the beach and asked a sun glass seller for a bag he said "si si amigo... i got best weed"(lol) he brought me to the front of a bar and grabbed a stash bag under the deck. There was balls of coffee filters in it. He handed me one . It was actual grass!!! Like cut up lawn clippings (fresh). I laughed and snapped a pic. And handed it to him "common bro... its grass" . He laughed and said " i sell so many to drunk tourists, most

So i went home and figured it might not happen out here(not.a big deal). But That night me and the wife were sitting on our roof and we smelt the best skunky weed ive smelt since canada... We live in an area were its all locals around us (no gringos) . So i knew there was good weed around!!

Next day a local says hi to me in english and we get talking about town and i tell him the story about the grass on the beach. "Bro you cant trust those beach guys they will rip you off . You need a good guy like me". Long story short i agree to buy off his "friend". He brings me to a hostel and when we get to the gate he demands the $60 for a half oz paid to him so he can get it. He keeps saying "ill go get it and be right back" . I wasnt born yesterday, and he is seeming more and more sketchy so i back out... told him i change my mind and left he there.

Almost ready to give up at this point, when i walk by a surf shop and see a local dude fixing a board. I went in and we chatted for a while... he is a world class surfer and he owns 2 shops and drives a sick truck (worth like 40 grand) I casually ask if its hard to find smoke.... he tells me its been harder to find it since they got new goverment 2 years ago. He says he can help me and i can tell hes a good dude. Finally got a guy!!!

We exchanged numbers and i call him 2 hrs later. "Ya come over... my guy will be here in a bit". So i end up spending 3 hours with him at the shop. Learned alot about him and his country and the goverment etc.
(Here is my surfer buddy on a magazine cover in 2013)

His dealer never showed up so we had to go to his house.....

So he drives us 30 mins outta town. We hit road where a sign says "engage 4x4 now" . Go straight up the side of a moutain and get to a small small house. "You wanna wait in the truck or come in?" I look out window... see 3 gangster looking guys in tattoos and chains and a big pitbull walking around. "Ill come in" i reply (no fear!!).

Get to the porch and say "hola " to everyone and shake everyones hand. Take a seat and the pitbull is sniffin my pants. My surfer guy vouches for me. Saying im a good dude and i only smoke, i workout and run marathons, im a father etc (all in spanish). They show me some midgrade 4/10 weed. I say that's fine ill take a oz (better then grass!!)

So a lil background... i love dogs. Love pitbulls... i have owned and trained them forever. So while everyone talked i started petting the big boy Pitty. I could tell his energy was loving and playful. So we started lightly playing. Before i know it hes playing rough and tough. I love playing rough with a bully dog. Not mean or aggressive just like play fighting. A bully dog owner will know what i mean....

So everyone is watching me wrestle this 80lb dog. The main dealer sees this and rolls a joint. He sits beside me and smokes whole joint with just me while everyone watches us. After i continue to play and pet his dog. Well i guess i gained his respect because he stands up and bolts into the dense jungle(wtf!!).....

I had no clue what was going down. But he returned 10 mins later soaked in sweat and covered in dirt. He had a brick in his hand. My surfer guy whispers "wow... he really likes u. He went and got his best weed for u".

The guy calls me over to table. He cuts open the brick of duck tape with a knife and Lets me smell the bag. Smells soooo good. Something u only find in canada or usa dispensaries. Wow!! He then pulls out a scale and weighs 28 grams to the point in front of me!! This is very rare....Everything is eyeballed here.... Owning a scale is super rare in poor countries like Nicaragua! Finally got the goods!!!

After i get my bag he gives me a "bro hug" and says something something familia... i thank him and we leave

On way back to town the surfer says "ive never seen him do that for anyone. He sells me the midgrade stuff! He loves that dog, how u played with it got his respect. He even said your family now!!"

Wow... so i went from being offered actual grass to being "family" with the boss weed guy and getting best weed in Nicaragua!

Here is a pic of his weed. Keep in mind all weed is outdoor here. This smoke smells great and gives a nice indica buzz (heady).

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