Manifestation and Meditation 💙 Traveling

Is it your dream to travel the world? Do you have a place in mind where you truly want to visit, but have not moved forward to making it a reality?

This manifestation meditation will help motivate you to achieve your desire to travel.

It is easy to get caught up with life, to tell yourself you don't have enough money or time to go where your heart truly desires. You need to release your fears and stop cheating yourself out of your dreams!

Find a quiet time and write down a list of all the places you wish to visit. Rank them in the order that you feel they are most important.

Pick the first destination you have written on your list and go over the reasons why you have never travelled there. Maybe you are telling yourself that you don't have enough time, money, it seems scary, family to care for, etc. Be aware of your thoughts and take note of what is holding your back from going there.

Write down another list of all the reasons why you would love to go there. Be it the sights, the culture, the food. Figure out exactly WHY you want to go there.


Lie down somewhere comfortably and breathe deeply for a few minutes.

Visualize yourself in your dream location, see yourself truly there. Imagine walking down the streets, looking at all the beautiful sights, smell the air, use all of your senses.

Truly feel all of your excitement and happiness for being there and achieving your desire. Focus on this feeling so strongly that any fears disappear.

Use positive words of affirmation "I have achieved my goal of being here" "I have enough money to travel here" "I am joyful and full of courage, nothing holds me back"

Do this every day if you need to. Truly feel the drive inside of you

Spend time every day researching the place you would like to go. Look at pictures, research sights you would like to see, restaurants, etc.Look up travel prices, hotels, call a travel agent, research hostels.Maybe research ways you can volunteer and even get your trip for free.

Spend time actively working towards removing any obstacles that may be holding you back.Brainstorm ideas on how to raise money, look up places where to put your pets.

Print photos and stick them onto your vision board, or even have your computer background of a photo of that location.

Believe you will go there and you will.

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