As when your dreams come true.

I’m a Venezuelan girl who was lucky enough to fulfill her dream this summer in USA, specifically in CEDAR POINT.


I’m a girl from a humble family my parents taught that it doesn’t matter where you’re from - just the size of your dreams and what you do to achieve them. That’s why my education has always been so important to me - not just the good grades; I also like to be a leader for my friends, to organize events, to defend my rights and people’s rights.


Because of those all the things I mentioned before, during my senior year, the USA Embassy gave me the ACCESS Scholarship - a program for young people like me to learn English and also to participate in the Embassy’s activities. i spent 2 years there, where I met wonderful people from my country, people who work in the Embassy and some other associates.


When I was in my first year of college, in the Central University of Venezuela studying sociology, I won another Scholarship from a Venezuelan association founded by an American who loves my country. Its name is AVAA and the program’s name is ProExcelencia - a Scholarship for people that are both in Highschool and at University who had good grades, and also like doing volunteering work. This place gave me the opportunity to meet a lot of people like me, participate in important events and volunteering campaigns.


Both scholarships mixed with the values that my parents taught me, made me a strong young woman, with a voice and with a desire to change things. But, that’s not the point.


Last year my coordinator from ACCESS Program called me to tell me about the CIEE Work and Travel scholarship for ACCESS students. It was the biggest opportunity of my life, because I always wanted to go to USA, learn more about the country and their customs get to know the reality and not just the Hollywood version. So, I took the challenge and I put all my hopes there to get it and I did I; That was one of the most amazing and happiest moments of my life. Making my friends and family proud of me, but also making myself proud. It was the best feeling in the world.

Now I want to tell you about the BEST summer that I person can dream of. I worked in Cedar Point, the biggest park of the Cedar Fair company, in the Human Resources area. There I learned not just about the most important part of a company, I learned about team work, about helping people to solve their problems, friendship, I got better skills as punctuality, responsibility, order, leadership, communication, perseverance, motivation, and the most important one, self-confidence.


In my little office I spent an average of 9 or 8 hours per day, 6 days a week and I was happy every single moment of it.
My supervisor and my team were the best thing that ever happened to me there. Regarless how stressful the situation was, those people always solved the problem with dedication and a smile on their face. But also, the best memory I have of this summer is being recognized from Cedar Point employees as the “Venezuelan girl from HR”. All the people that I met there, they came to the office feeling that it was the end of the world and I was there for helping them with a smile. That feeling that you make the day better for a person is just wonderful, and is better if you know that they know that can count on you.


Outside my office I met amazing people too, most of them from Spain. Also I feel that they took a part of my heart to their country. They were the ones who made me laugh all the time when we weren’t working, the people who I went to dance with and travel with.

Talking about traveling, the cherry of this trip were all the amazing places that I visited:

  • Chicago, the windy city.
  • Cleveland, “The land” .
  • Niagara’s fall.
  • Washington.
  • New York City - **my biggest dream. **


(But I'm going to tell you later about this trips)

And is not just the travelling and the places that I could see – it’s the people who I travelled with and who made this experience unforgettable.

But, as all the good things in life, it was soon over, but I’m completely sure that I’m going to remember this summer forever.

I think I’m another person since this experience, a better one. You always heard things about different custums and traditions that people have and it is true, but this type of experience shows you how with a good and friendly attitude, we all can cohabitate in a place. **If we take this to a bigger scale, that’s what we need in the world - respect for people’s custums and rules that respect everybody regardless of the sex, age, religion or nationality. **

Also, I learned how to be by myself. I was alone - no mommy or daddy to take care of me. Just me being an adult, going to work every single day. I mean, I was responsible before, but this was like the real world. I had bad days, of course, but I just remember the good ones - all the love that people gave me, the friends I made, people I met, places I visit...
I have always thought that a person doesn’t have just a nationality, that we’re all the world’s citizens, and that’s what I felt this summer, that even when we were from different countries, we’re just like a family.


What I learned in the US is how hard people work everyday, the love that they feel for their nation, and the belief that if you work hard, everyday, you will get wonderful things, also, **their food is amazing! **

This was an experience that not only changes the way you look the world, but it also changes your life. I’ve been passionate about human rights my whole life, and now, I know that my generation can create a better world and I want to be a part of that, I want to give my best, finish my studies and keep dreaming big, because my limit is the sky, and even with that I can go to the Space.


If a younger person sees this, or is shown to the next ACCESS generation, I just want to say that with passion and hardwork everything is possible.


If you wanna know more, click the video.

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