Dylan Magaster's Fully Solar Powered VW Bus! he attached a solar panel to the top of his VW camper van! He now travels the country giving out money!

Brett Belan and his wife Kira have built a full electric solar powered volkswagen bus and converted it into a camper
Become a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/dylanmagaster



And this guy aparently met THIS guy who was a millionaire living in dubai who then ended up giving away his money and businesses and now travels and is now living in VILCABAMBA Ecuador! A place Ive lived for six months, 3 in 2011 and 3 in 2014 (I remember in 2014 I was in VilcaBamba ecuador when the Mt Gox scandal happened and everyone who had bitcoins down there was pissed! Its a huge conspiracy crowd down there always tallking about chemtrails, aliens, new world order, secret ancient hidden history, and just general conspiracy stuff! And there are about 4000 expat americans living down there in vilcabamba and many more in ecuador! They use the US dollar officially so your ATM cards work like home and you get US dollars so that makes it easy, but also the dollar goes WAY farther you can buy a simcard with days of minutes for three bucks or dinner for two bucks or a whole weeks supply of food at farmers markket for five dollars! OH MAN the farmers market in Ecuador was INCREDLE! LAst place on EARTH without GMO where ALL these rops were organic heirloom! Last place on the PLANET with natural food! And you wouldnt BELIEVE how cheap food s! I always felt bad when I would hand these people 1 nickle and theyd give me a big bag of tomatoes or potatoes, or 10 avocados or 20 cent mangos! Id seriously get a whoel WEEK of food for $five dollars! It was CRAZY! You could get a bunk bed at the hostel form like $5 a night OR find your own apt for $50 a month! one friend of mine, the guy who makes wireframe art in the town square, he told me how he pays $50 a month rent but his view of the valley would cost a million dollars in the US!

Anyway EVERYONE in viilccabamba would LOVE steemit!

Here is my video of a double rainbow from my apt in 2011!

And vilcababa is just 40 mins from this incredible amazon mountain Podocarpus National Park and i took this video back in 2011! Its neara riiver that fees into the amazon! This lace wasso magical REAl amazon rainforest!

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