Begonia Flower Garden Tour, (Romantic Garden In Bandung)

During the holidays yesterday my girlfriend took a vacation to a very beautiful place is Begonia Lembang Flower Garden located in the city of Bandung - The role of social media, especially instagram is quite large in the development of tourist attractions lately.With the number of media post a very beautiful place to make money my girlfriend soon take a vacation to this park, this tourist place is famous after viral in instagram some time ago. Some places that have unique and beautiful view such as mountains, trees or flower plants become the target of young photographs today, especially my girlfriend who was on vacation in this Flower Garden.

Spot Garden for Photos

As the name implies, Floronia Flower Garden Lembang is the place that is destined to take pictures for the visitors who face my girlfriend this. The majority of self-portraits here are very crowded, will if you love this tourist park flower garden in heaven with many beautiful flowers here for the hobbyist photo. my girlfriend is very happy to be here during the holidays.

I imagine if Flower Garden was developed to be a place to hunting photos, ranging from landscape photos, pre wedding photos, class farewell photos, advertising photos and so forth maybe this place is very famous and will produce a good photo. Flower Garden is indeed promising for those who like good poto. Can also flower garden is so filming video ads, Flower garden can be a special park for photographs in the city of Bandung.

Poto my girlfriend while in the Garden of Begonia Flower

Begonia Botanical Garden has just been popular, In a short time this place began to be developed since two months ago with a nice place layout. Who is behind this Flower Garden plant? People, citizens and the media are developing this place to be popular and famous today,

My girlfriend looked at the beauty of the sea

Some beautiful Flower Garden was immortalized well by my girlfriend

So in addition to taking pictures in the photo spot provided here, my girlfriend can also pick fruits and vegetables in a special area that has been provided in this place. coincidentally my girlfriend is very fond of fruit strauberi so that in picking by my girlfriend is strauberi fruit. The various vegetables and fruits that exist in the garden of flowers such as lamb begonia include chili, eggplant, corn, tomatoes, cherries, white eggplant, broccoli, watercress, strauberi mango, wine and so forth. if you want to go home and want to bring by, you can buy beautiful flowers with very cheap prices ranging from Rp 20.000 This flower garden is open every day from 8 am to 5 pm.

Location of Begonia Flower Garden Lembang:

Address begonia garden is precisely located on Jl. maribaya number 120 A, Lembang, (West Bandung regency). Not difficult to find, you can use private vehicles or public transport to get to this park. Facilities are very complete disinipun ranging from parking lots, musholla, restaurant to live music is available here. The best time to come here is the morning when the flowers still look fresh and bloom.

The Places of Lembang Lainya Tourism are:

Graphic Tour Terminal Cikole

Farmhouse of Lembang Milk

The Lodge Maribaya

The Route Towards Begonia Flower Garden Bandung:

The route that you can pass from Bandung we can pass the path dago - lawangwangi. The place was before the bull market. Or if you from the path setiabudhi (plank) just skip the lembang market to jalan maribaya and past pusdikajen to the location of the garden begonias. Meanwhile, if using public transportation can ride the market angkota lembang - cibodas.

That's the result of my girlfriend's trip while on vacation to Begonia Lunga Flower Garden,

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