When a trip to Thailand changed my life

Thailand Yoga Retreats offer a safe space in this world where a person can simply escape their reality for as long as necessary. It provides a space where you can focus on spiritual health without questions often faced within our western world. I had the pleasure of travelling to such a place in January 2016 for an entire month. If you asked me where I was going to travel after I graduated university I would have never predicted this part of my life. I never would have said that I was going to be a blonde, female, solo traveller in South East Asia.

Instead, I probably would have had your typical white girl response:

Six months prior to going to Thailand I was in a place in my life where I felt completely lost. I was in a relationship that made me question everything I knew about myself. I was working in an environment that was very focused on achieving the ideal “Girls Who Lift” body type. Lastly, I was unable to eat food without worrying that it was going to make me fat.

I did know that this was the exact place I needed to be in so that I could finally face myself and fight like hell to be the person I wanted to be for the rest of my life.

My Personal Experience with Thailand Yoga Retreats

At this point I had no idea how I was going to take all of these struggles and turn them into opportunities for personal growth. However, an interaction with a friend sparked a fire in me. All of a sudden I knew I had to go to Asia. I went home and followed my intuition. I googled “Yoga Retreat Thailand”. It was fate. The first website to pop up at the top of the page was Thailand’s The Yoga Retreat. This beautiful retreat was located on the beautiful Koh Phangan Island. Six months later after a whirlwind of life change, I was walking through the doors of The Yoga Retreat: Burnt, exhausted, and terrified.


The higher you reach the more you will achieve

The Yoga Retreat was unlike anyplace I had ever been before. There were two dogs laying at the front of the entrance. Little did I know that they were going to steal my heart and make me come to tears when I had to leave. Then there were two cats wandering the dining area. Little did I know that they were there to help teach me meditation and focus. Lastly, there was a beautiful woman with long brown curly hair. Little did I know that she was the owner who gave me this opportunity to change my life forever. I was given two booklets upon arrival. The first book described what my 30-day yoga adventure looked like. The second book had a graphic explanation of what my 3-day detox was going to entail.

The “Aha” moment

The first thing I recognized when I entered was that everyone was extremely calm and soft spoken. This was ironic because I was the complete opposite. I was fast with my words, quite loud in comparison, and flustered by my 24 hour travel day from Bangkok to Koh Phangan. The travel involved a train, a bus, and a boat. Needless to say the only thoughts that were running through my head at the time was “What have I gotten myself into?”. However, after a cry, a nap, and delicious Indian food I was back in my room. I lay on the large king size bed beneath a painted blue elephant and inhaled deeply. During this moment where I focused on my breath, I was able to see for the first time that I had made the most amazing and daring decision of my life.

I was about to find out who I truly was and what made my soul different from anyone else.

I did not know what was awaiting me throughout this adventure at The Yoga Retreat. However, I did know that the retreat was the exact place I needed to be. I was about to finally face myself and fight like hell to be the person I wanted to be for the rest of my life.

If there is any advice I can give you it is this:

Take the time to find what feeds your soul because once you do – the possibilities in your life are limitless.


Just another Millennial on the search for a happy, healthy, and sustainable lifestyle ♥

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