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What do you do when you wake up? If you are still reluctant to exercise to start the day, you should start doing it. Intense exercise during the morning, because the benefits are many.

Here are 5 reasons why exercise in the morning benefits more.

Build muscle faster If you do not see your weight training today, then try exercising in the morning. Exercise in the morning more quickly helps muscle formation. This is nothing but the vital hormone-like levels of testosterone that build muscle mass - higher in the morning.

Increase metabolism It's common knowledge that metabolism is an important part of losing weight. This can not be separated because of its function to burn energy and calories from food. Well, the speed of metabolism is affected by weight, age, sex and genetics. When metabolism slows down, the process of burning calories also follows, which eventually makes the body grow fat faster. One way to cope with exercise, because exercise is definitely able to increase metabolism. However, the degree of improvement depends on the level of fitness and activity you choose. "All activities are the same, but exercise in the morning will help improve the metabolism faster, which can eventually burn more calories during the day," McNiven said. This phenomenon is referred to as the afterburn effect, where the body keeps burning calories even though we have finished the sport and are in rest mode.

More freely When coming to the gym, we often find the place full and noisy. Not to mention we have to queue long to use fitness equipment there. As a result we will not reach the target quickly.

A bit of distraction and temptation There will not be much disturbance when choosing exercise in the morning. Unlike if you choose after work home, which of course more challenges, ranging from lack of spirit, been tired, stuck in traffic, or invited to hangout friends office.

Quality time You definitely need quality time with family, right? If so, exercise morning, after waking up.

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