This Is A Man's World

This Is A Man's World


I took this photo from the first floor of the Apple Store at Covent Garden while waiting to have my iPhone looked at by one of the gurus. I can't remember what exactly was wrong with the phone, but I remember looking down and seeing life going by from an interesting perspective.

I originally spotted the man in the dark coat and thought it was interesting how he was standing in the shadow. I also liked the different sized rectangles (stone tiles).

The man pushing the pushchair walked into the scene just in time. I only had about half a second to grab the shot while he was perfectly in the rectangle. I think I missed by about 0.01 seconds. Having said that, from his speed, the pushchair's front wheels would have left the rectangle by the time the man's right leg made it in. Perhaps it was an impossible shot.

Looking at the photo now as I'm posting this, there doesn't actually seem to be a child in the pushchair. I wonder what his story was. Was it dad walking around, waiting while mum and child did something else? There is the British Transport museum around there which is quite popular with young children. Was this grandpa catching up to the rest of the family who are just ahead of him?

Photos are so interesting to me. I do this with other people's photos too - wonder what hapend and what everyone's story is. I also do it in real life :)

Peace & Love,


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