One Thousand and One Nights: Aladdin and the Magic Lamp: 42nd and Last Night

Aladdin and the Magic Lamp


I was wrong when I said it will take 42 nights for this story, as this is the 41st and last night.

The fake old holy woman is decapitated by Aladdin and that's it.

And we learn that Aladdin, who, as a child, was lazy and mischievous, became the sultan of the Kingdom of China.

In French, such tales often end with" "Ils furent heureux et ils eurent beaucoup d'enfants." (They were happy and they had many children). In many of the other 1,001 night tales, the end speaks about death. In this one, we have both kinds of ending.

Tomorrow, we will start a much shorter story: Wardan the Butcher with the Vizier's Daughter. If I am not mistaken, it will last for only 3 nights.


Scheherazade said:

Now, as soon as the old holy woman had entered the room with the crystal vault and that, still veiled with her thick veil of face, she had approached Badrou'l-Boudour, Aladdin leaped on her, out of his hiding place, the sword in hand, and before she could say: "Bem!" in one fell swoop, he knocked her head off her shoulders!

At this sight, Badrou'l-Boudour, terrified, exclaimed: "O my master Aladdin, what an attack!" But Aladdin contented himself with a smile and, in response, he bent down, took the severed head by the middle forelock, and showed it to Badrou'l-Budour. And, bordering on amazement and horror, she saw that the head was shaved like a man's, except for the middle forelock, and that the face was prodigiously bearded. And Aladdin, not wanting to terrify her any longer, told her the truth about the so-called Fatmah, false saint and false old woman, and concluded: "O Badrou'l-Budour, let us give thanks to Allah who has delivered us forever of our enemies!" And they both threw themselves into each other's arms, thanking Allah for his favors.

And since then they lived a very happy life, with the good old woman, mother of Aladdin, and with the sultan, father of Badrou'l-Boudour. And they had children as beautiful as moons. And Aladdin, upon the death of the sultan, reigned over the kingdom of China. And nothing was missing from their happiness, until the inevitable arrival of the Destroyer of Delights and the Separator of Friends.

And Sheherazade, having thus told this story, said: 'And this, O fortunate King, is all that I know about Aladdin and the Magic Lamp! But Allah knows better! And King Schabriar said, “This story, Sheherazade, is admirable. But she surprises me a lot with her discretion! And Schahrazade said, "In that case, O King, allow me to tell you the story of Wardan the Butcher with the Vizier's Daughter.

— Then Scheherazade saw the morning appear and quietly fell silent.

First Night - Second Night - Third Night - Fourth Night - Fifth Night - Sixth Night - Seventh Night
Eighth Night - Ninth Night - Tenth Night - Eleventh Night - Twelfth Night - Thirtenth Night
Fourteenth Night - Fifteen Night - Sixteenth Night - Seventeenth Night - Eighteenth Night
Nineteenth Night - Twentieth Night - Twenty-first Night - Twenty-second Night - Twenty-third Night
Twenty-fourth Night - Twenty-fifth Night - Twenty-sixth Night - Twenty-seventh Night
Twenty-eighth Night - Twenty-ninth Night - Thirtieth Night - Thisty-first Night - Thirty-second Night
Thirty-third Night - Thirty-fourth Night - Thirty-fifth Night - Thirty-sixth Night - Thirty-seventh Night
Thirty-eighth Night - Thirty-ninth Night - Fortieth Night - Forty-first Night

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