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One Thousand and One Nights: Aladdin and the Magic Lamp: 29th Night

Aladdin and the Magic Lamp


Now that Aladdin has built a new palace for his bride, it is time for Princess Badrou'l-Boudour to move to the new palace and meet her new husband. And this is done with a magnificent procession, admired by the people of the city.

The princess, Aladdin, and his mother spend a very enjoyable day in the new palace.

It is not specified in the story where Aladdin's mother will live now, but I think she will have some quarters in the new palace.


Sheherazade said:

As for Aladdin, once transported to his old house by the genie of the lamp, he told one of the twelve teenage slave girls to go and wake up his mother and ordered them all to dress her in one of the beautiful dresses they had brought, and to adorn her as best they could. And when his mother was dressed as he wished, he told her that the time had come to go to the sultan's palace to take the new bride and lead her to the palace he had built for her. And Aladdin's mother, having received all the necessary instructions on the subject, left her house, accompanied by her twelve slaves, and was soon followed by Aladdin on horseback in the midst of his own slaves. But, having arrived at a certain distance from the palace, they separated to go, Aladdin to his new palace, and his mother to the sultan's one.

Now, as soon as the sultan's guards had seen Aladdin's mother, in the midst of the twelve young girls who accompanied him, they ran to warn the sultan, who hastened to meet her. And he received her with the marks of respect and consideration due to her new rank. And he gave the order to the chief of the eunuchs to introduce her into the harem, near Sett Badrou'l-Boudour. And as soon as the princess saw her and learned that she was the mother of her husband Aladdin, she got up in his honor and went to kiss her. Then she made her sit beside her, and regaled her with various jams and delicacies, and finished being dressed by her servants and adorned with the most precious jewels which her husband Aladdin had given her. And shortly afterward the Sultan entered, and for the first time he was able, thanks to the new relationship, to see the face of Aladdin's mother uncovered. And he noticed, by the delicacy of her features, that she must have been very comely in her youth, and that now, dressed as she was in a beautiful dress and arranged to her advantage, she looked grander than many princesses and wives of viziers and emirs. And he paid her many compliments on this subject, which deeply touched and moved the heart of the poor wife of the late tailor Mustapha, so long unhappy, and filled her eyes with tears.

After which, the three of them began to talk cordially, thus getting to know each other better, until the arrival of the sultana, the mother of Badrou'l-Boudour. Now, the old sultana was far from looking favorably upon this marriage of her daughter to the son of strangers; and she was on the side of the grand-vizier, who continued, in secret, to be very mortified at the good turn the whole affair was taking to his detriment. However, she dared not, in spite of her wish, put on too bad a face for Aladdin's mother; and, after the salams on both sides, she sat down with the others, without, however, taking an interest in the conversation.

However, when the moment came to say goodbye for the departure to the new palace, Princess Badrou'l-Boudour got up and kissed her father and mother with great tenderness, mingling her kisses with many tears, for the occasion. Then, supported by Aladdin's mother, who stood on her left, preceded by ten eunuchs dressed in their ceremonial robes, and followed by a hundred young slave girls dressed with the magnificence of dragonflies, she started walking towards the new palace, in the middle of two rows of four hundred young slaves, white and black alternately, ranged between the two palaces, and each holding a golden torch in which burned a large candle of amber and white camphor. And, slowly, the princess advanced in the middle of this procession, crossing the velvet carpet, while, on her way, an admirable concert of instruments was heard, as well in the paths of the garden as on the top from the terraces of Aladdin's palace. And, in the distance, the acclamations resounded, pushed by all the people running around the two palaces, and mingling their rumor of joy with all this glory. And the princess finally arrives at the entrance of the new palace, where Aladdin was waiting for her. And he came smiling to meet her, and she was charmed to see him so handsome and brilliant. And she went with him into the hall of the feast, under the great dome with its jeweled windows. And the three of them sat down before the golden trays served by the care of the genie of the lamp; and Aladdin sat in the middle, between his wife on the right and his mother on the left. And they began their meal, to the sound of music which could not be seen, and which was played by a choir of genies of both sexes. And Badrou'l-Boudour, enchanted by everything she saw and heard, said to herself: "In my life, I have never imagined such marvelous things!" And she even stopped eating, the better to listen to the songs and the concert of the genies. And Aladdin and his mother kept serving her and pouring her drinks, which she could do without, she was already drunk with wonder. And it was for them a splendid day, which had not had its equal in the times of Alexander the Great and Solomon...

— At this point in her narration, Scheherazade saw the morning appear and quietly fell silent.

The image representing princess Badrou'l-Budour has been created by @curamax in this post.

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