Fitness Journey Blog 26

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Monday Update!

Today was a great day. I woke up early to kick off the day with a nice stretch and to start my plank challenge. I felt great after stretching and getting warmed up but that plank was brutal! Hahaha, I thought it would be a lot easier than it was. I started the timer and I totally thought I would hold it at least for 30 seconds, well I got to about 10 seconds before reality slapped me and I started to shake. I made it to about 17 seconds, which isn't the best but its a starting point. I battled for the rest of the minute but I survived.

When I was getting my stuff ready for work I realized I was still charging my Fitbit so I didn't record my sleep or my morning workout. I was kind of frazzled about it but I figured at least I did it. I really have a horrible memory though when it comes to those things! Hahaha, I can't tell you how many times I go to grab my phone too, only to find out I didn't plug it in.

Anyways, I'll stop rambling here and just get to it.

Food for the Day:

As I said I am messing around with fasting and I didn't eat until 1:30 PM today. I was aiming for 1 PM but work got a bit crazy and I lost track of time. I wasn't too bad but 1:30 hit and I was starving. We picked up some chicken wings from Costco and I love them. They are seasoned and have a bit of kick to them. I add my own buffalo sauce, which is just Franks Hot Sauce, Butter and cayenne pepper. I also had cheese and ranch but I dropped the ball on veggies. I definitely need to have more tomorrow but today was rushed. I did have a few more wings and cheese at about 5 PM and I was aiming for 7 PM to be my last meal so I am doing alright. Still experimenting with things but I do feel great, well see how the rest of the week plays out.


Activity For the day:

As I was saying, this morning I did about 30 minutes of yoga/Stretching to jump start things and then I did my plank. I wish I would have recorded it with my Fitbit but I will tomorrow. I did feel great. Later on in the day, I did go for a bit of a walk but it's still pretty snowy outside and it is melting so it's pretty slushy outside. The evening I was planning on doing another workout but my wife had to run off to take care of something so I just hung out with the kids. I did try and do a bit of a workout but my daughter just wanted to play. We ended up playing Just Dance for the Xbox. I got a bit of a sweat going. My kids love that game, and just go wild. Well, today I was a lot more active then I have been for a bit but here is a break down for the day.


Sleep Last Night

Last night I had a great sleep. I went to bed fairly early as I wanted to wake up to do my stretch and plank. I did wake up freeing refreshed and again I wish I would have recorded it, so, unfortunately, I don't have a screenshot to provide.

Anyways, that about sums up today. I am feeling really good and so far the fasting has been good but its still early. I am planning on waking up early again tomorrow to do my plank for the day but I want to also start riding my stationary bike again. Just a nice way to jump-start the engine and get fired up for the day.

Thanks again for popping in and have yourself a most excellent rest of your day!

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