Phenibut - I may have made a mistake


Phenibut is a substance that can do a lot of good for your life if you’re diciplined about it, but if you’re like me and kind of a silly person, good times won’t last very long and you’re going to get addicted.

I have been using phenibut for at least a month in a half and its done a lot of good for my life. Until I decided to up the dosage, 1 g every few days until 4g everyday at one point. Now I’ve become a full fledge addict...again.

It’s not as bad as the days when I’d be out with my band and I’d murder for coke, but I’m still not having a good time.

Typically withdrawal symptoms include insomnia, shaking, anxiety, you’ll be less social, depression, physical and mental exhaustion, hallucinations and in bad cases, heart palpitations and seizures.

I had a bit of an odd case when one morning I woke from a sleepless night to see that MY SKIN WAS TURNING ORANGE! It wasn’t just a hallucination, because my fiancé saw it too.

Usually you can taper off slowly in a few months but it takes a lot of will power.

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