Steemit Bloggers 2018 MOTIVATIONS and INSPIRATIONS

“Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.” ― Søren Kierkegaard

This year is going to be a completely new journey for me -
as I explained in my
"One end and another beginning"
post yesterday about the decision to close my business which I have had for the last 11 years and also deciding to move out of the design and print industry completely this time around... (which for the record, I have been in for over 17 years now)... so ANYTHING other than that is going to feel a little foreign... but I am a firm believer in "trusting in the process of life" and moving onward and upward.

So, in the spirit of exactly that, I thought I would get our Steemit Bloggers Community on Discord to share some of their motivations and inspirations for the year ahead too whether it was their plans moving forward, an inspirational quote, or even a song which inspires them... it is always interesting to see what puts a sparkle in other people's eyes and lives...

I kicked off with a quote and a song which I will most likely refer to frequently as I step into this uncharted territory awaiting me...

But enough about me.... let's hear from some of my amazing Steemit family xxx

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So here they are...




"Motivation is my overseas destination to nowhere this spring. Boom. xx"




"Right now it's sustainability. My Magazine is literally leaking money at the moment. My Authors are amazingly talented but I just don't have the income to pay them their true worth. I'm looking to create a financially stable magazine that pays for itself -- which is why I can't wait for SMTs to launch. It will be a great way to incentivise people." << my only goal for 2018. - oh - and LOSE WEIGHT




This is an older song, but relevant to what I want to accomplish this year -

This is the quote - “Writing is not like dancing or modeling; it’s not something where – if you missed it by age 19 – you’re finished. It’s never too late. Your writing will only get better as you get older and wiser. If you write something beautiful and important, and the right person somehow discovers it, they will clear room for you on the bookshelves of the world – at any age. At least try.” ~ Thoughts on Writing by Elizabeth Gilbert, author of Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear. - I created a graphic for it too.




Sometimes i feel like I'm late and there are a lot of guys that have made it big in the industry i want to develop my my career in but seeing this has really changed my mind about being scared. There's something about me and I'm going to let it out

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Mine is a quote from Booker T.

In all things that are purely social we can be as separate as the fingers, yet one as the hand in all things essential to mutual progress.




My motivation this year is to achieve freedom through my own creative work (finally). Freedom to create and freedom to spend too! With some luck I'll be able to take some people with me as well :). I also wish to develop some painting ideas I've had for a long time and finally start working on my own game. This year, we are robbing from the rich and giving to the poor and we're gonna do it in style.




My motivation this year is finally finding my own place and so, having the wings I where looking for so long to grow more and more creatively and personally (and travel. OH GOD I wanna travel <3) I want to have the constant chance to give ligth to others... like the unicorn I am




My motivation this year is to live with the kind heart that my amazing mother had. She passed away August 2017 and it devastated me. I had time off work to reflect on how selfless she lived and how many peoples lives she touched. Being and doing that is the only think that makes sense this year




My goals for 2018: Post, post, post, upvote, comment, post, post, post :)




Deep inside my body, I have a soul which is a source of continuous motivation, I will keep offering prayers to keep that motivation alive !




passion , motivation, work, fun, world society, knowledge, enjoyable, opinion, waiting comment and try to get friends, every day there is new - guys our steem is perfect




Well. Might as well share my motivation. I wanna try to reduce the financial burdens of my parents through Steemit by trying to pay my own tuition fees and to also grow to be a supporter for all underappreciated content creators. That is all




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Also to keep fit and stay healthy...



As usual, Banana Boy had a lot to!!!!


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Only those who are willing to fail will succeed.

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Lack of Motivation isn't the problemo. You're just lazy. If you have something to be committed to then motivation isn't even an issue.

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Life is a game. Don't take it seriously. Just do the right things and the right things should happen to you. You cannot control what other people do But you can control what you do, Therefore, give 100% in doing what you can do And with the right approach and adjustment...You should be closer to success than before

Never give up, never make excuses, never underestimate anyone including yourself




Well,my only motivation for 2018 is to lower the burden of my family.They have been supporting me since I was born.Now I can support them financially through steemit.I will support them emotionally too,because I love my parents to the infinity and beyond !!







2018 Motivation - I want to create more content, get a stable job and help my father and mother around. Also to just live a simple life.




2018 Motivation? Hmm... I suppose it's the same motivation I've had for close to three years now: becoming a better writer, have that work for me to generate some form of income, build a substantial whiskey collection (try not to get through all of it) and even hosting whiskey tastings. At some point expand my Whiskey Talk blog to include travelling and visiting places like the Lagavulin Distillery or doing the Kentuky Bourbon Trail.

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apparently the sharing of this link in our 2018 motivations channel was a mistake, but I actually found it quite fitting so decided to share it anyway :)

"Just For Today"




What You Confess....




Don’t let yesterday take up too much of today.” -Will Rogers

I need to keep reminding myself of that. The older I get it seems like the memories of yesterday often pull me out of today.




My 2018 Vision Board: Exploring Heights, Defining Paths




My goals? Continue on my weightloss and fitness goals (Down 55 pounds, 30ish more to go) Write daily, either blogging or fiction. Work towards writing an actual novel length story. Make my relationships better.




I will stay on steemit! Tbis will be my mainstain platform. I will work on my entries. Make more posts, find more people with same interests, have fun, and help others through steemit.




My 2018 motivation is: 1. Creating myself to do something passionate 2. Write wriite write not only poems but fiction, erotica and all sorts of genre.




Honestly my 2018_motivation is simple. Steemit!




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Houston, We Have Found the Problem (Oy Vey)

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Steemit is my 2018 motivation




This is my aspiration for 2018 as it is every year as expressed in this post - to not live an unlived life.

My Biggest Fear - An Unlived Life




This here is my motivation. :3 It is also my phone's lockscreen so that I will constantly see it and be reminded.

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A Note to Self: Be Like the Waves




2018 motivation... Is my family and future.




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Let Go - Live Life To The Fullest!

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My inspiration for 2018 is to start vlogging, which will be quite a powerful change and a challenge for me! Thank you @jaynie for the call to action! Love, Klaudia

My Dear Steemit Friends! All the Best to You in New Year!







Believe in your self, you are only an attitude away from been successful. And do you know the difference between successful and unsuccessful people, The ability to make mistakes, learn from those mistakes and benefit from them. Never ever take away the ability to make mistakes.




My 2018’s inspiration is and has always been my students. Genuine, real-life experiences at school have made me realise that the world needs more child-like faith, understanding and gratitude. Day in and day out, I am motivated to be a better educator, colleague, friend, daughter, sister, and most importantly, a better me.




When life grabs you by the tail, turn around and bite it!




My inspiration for the year 2018 is "I don't want to work for money, but I want money to work for me".... :writing_hand: Hoping for God's blessings!




Dear 2018,

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and that's a wrap!
There is certainly a
TRUCK LOAD of food for thought in there!!!

May 2018 bring each and everyone
nothing but the best!!!



Until next time...

Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx

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