Do You Understand Nutrition?

Good day vibrant Steemians,

Nutritional knowledge these days is chaotic. I feel we can all agree. There is so much BS and too much tunnel visioned intellectualism..not enough of conscious, spiritually aware, and experience based knowledge. I've eaten a "healthy" diet my whole life, variety/quality, and always loved experimenting and researching nutritional knowledge. But remember, the way our society passes down knowledge, acadamia/intellectualism, often times false information is recycled with a subjective twist.

This knowledge is not like the mainstream information out there. For the first time I had a gut feeling that I was hearing the truth, and tested a majority raw vegan idea for myself. When you begin reconnecting with the natural symbiotic relationship of fruits, feeling the energetic difference, and begin understanding bowel transit times/organs of elmination/blood and lymph systems, it all begins to make sense.

Who knows where I will be down the road, but all I can say is I'm happy now and feel more in tune than ever before.


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