Halloween Special - Game 100 (PumpkinHead - Sewer Edition) - Sign up here


This is sort of a board game and in its current rendition can take up to 12 players at a time. It will require daily participation. If you are interested in playing, please sign up as a reply to this post. The first 10 players to sign up get to participate. If there are less than 10 players signed up after 24 hours of this post going up, it will either begin with those players or be postponed if less than 3 sign up.


Get the key from PumpkinHead to unlock the gate that blocks your path to the finish line, then have everyone move into the designated FINISH area.


  • Each player starts their turn by rolling a D6 to determine how many actions they get that turn. An action is a move of 1 space, an offensive action (fighting), searching, trading with another player in the same square, picking up the key, opening the gate or climbing a ladder.
  • Diagonal moves are not permitted in this game.
  • Jumping over a manhole requires 2 actions (otherwise, you fall into the sewer if you simply move over a manhole).
  • When a player climbs a ladder and encounters a ghost in their square, they must kill the ghost during that turn or suffer a damage from touching a ghost.
  • After all players have completed their allotted actions and/or the day ends, the ghosts and PumpkinHead will take their turn and attack if they are within range.
  • Ghosts will spawn from the spawn zone at the rate of 1 ghost from each of the 2 emission gates per day, provided that there are players on the above-ground level.
  • When all players are below-ground (in the sewer), no ghosts will spawn and those who have already been spawned will cease to move until a player emerges from the sewer.
  • Ghosts float over the ground and will NOT fall into the sewer.
  • Ghosts get just 1 action per turn, but they will harm you by 1 damage point per day just by being in your square!
  • PumpkinHead will have 2 actions per day but his attacks will require a dice roll to determine success or failure.
  • All enemies will do 1 damage with a successful attack.
  • Players can take 3 damage before they die. Players DO re-spawn if they die, but start over from the beginning with no inventory.
  • Players earn 1 life-point for every 7 damage they do to PumpkinHead (nothing is earned for killing ghosts).

Ghosts will require 1 successful hit-point to kill them.
PumpkinHead will require 100 successful hit-points to kill him.
Please pay attention to the moves that have transpired before you, so that your choices are based upon facts as they are and not as they were before (the people that played before you, just altered the situation).


  • Axe does 2 damage and can NOT be used to open the gate. If swinging at enemies that have just 1 health, the axe can chop down that enemy and continue through to a 2nd enemy (swing-through), dealing another damage point to any enemy that is also in the same square.
  • Bare hands can do only half a point of damage (so it takes 2 successful hits to kill a 1-point enemy).
  • Baseball bats, pistols, rifles and crossbows do 1 damage. Pistols and crossbows have a range of 1 square. Rifles can reach 2 squares.
  • Sawed-off shotgun or scattergun: Since buckshot scatters, it would make a big hole shooting in the same square (hence 2 damage); at one space distance it loses momentum and scatters, doing less damage, but can hit 2 targets (dealing 1 damage each).
  • CZ 550 is an Elephant Rifle and can do 2 damage at a range of 1 square (or less) and 1 damage at a range of 2 squares.
  • A Molotov Cocktail will do 5 damage and cannot miss. It has a range of 1 square. Combining gasoline and a torch makes a Molotov Cocktail. When a Molotov is thrown, it will burn just long enough to do its 5 damage points (get creative).
  • To determine if attacks are successful or not, use my on-line tool or do a manual roll. A roll of 1 to 3 is a miss. A roll of 4 to 6 is a hit. (You may also use the success/fail function.)
  • Ranged weapons cannot shoot through walls. Shooting is only possible at 90 degree angles (no diagonal shots into adjacent spaces).
  • If you shoot at a target and miss while another player is in the same square as the target, you will hit the player.

All players will start without any inventory unless they have a permanent or single-use item from a previous game.


  • Searches might uncover a hiding ghost! (If the tool says that you found a zombie, substitute a ghost for the zombie). Also, if you immediately move away or kill the ghost BEFORE your turn ends, you will NOT suffer a damage point. Items found will be drawn randomly from my on-line tool.
  • Searches can only be done in vehicles or dumpsters (limited only by the number of actions you have). If a player searches using a torch, additional items will be found depending on the number of torches entered into the search script.
  • Players need not take everything they find and are free to swap items found for inventory items without using another action to do so. For instance, if I find a rifle and everyone in my team already has a ranged weapon, I would drop my x-bow or pistol and take the rifle in its place.
  • Players can carry up to 5 types of items each.
  • Picking up an objective is NOT a search; it is a guaranteed action.

Player actions

Each player will announce their roll result and their daily actions in the replies to each daily post.
Tell me your player number and what your actions are plus the results of those actions.

For example: Player 3; move west 1; use pistol to shoot at ghost in next square west, rolled 1 and missed; move back.
Alternatively: Player 3; move west 1; use pistol to shoot at ghost in next square west, rolled 1 and missed; shoot again, rolled 5 and hit.
In both cases, player 3 made 3 actions and their turn is over.

Trading between a pair of players (both must be in the same square) may include any number of items in 1 transaction but still only counts as 1 action by 1 player (the player initiating the trade).
Players are free to collaborate and plan their strategies; this is a cooperative game.

Additional twist: Before each player takes their daily turn, roll a D20 to see if you get any bonus. Please note that the bonus must be used during the CURRENT TURN. If you do not specify to which action you wish to apply the bonus, it will be applied to your first action where applicable.


I will update the board with new player positions and enemy positions for the next day's play.



Tagging players @halemaster, @adnanibrahim, @pbock, @agr8buzz, @erikaflynn, @aussieninja, @pandorasbox, @goose20, @paulag, @hasnain06, @foodforfun, @rayne122, @dksart, @knightofzero, @shifat, @justatouchfey, @adenijiadeshina, @andre-verbrick, @mariita52, @bashadow, @nextgen622, @zacherybinx, @cyber.explorer, @hhayweaver, @improv, @badpupper, @simplegame, @holybread, @stever82, @mannaman, @amaillo, @jfang003, @luizeba, @wlffreitas, @shani.chaudhary, @secret-art, to let you know that a new game is about to begin. Let me know if you want to be taken off the list.

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