SteemCamp UK 2

I arrived back from Leicester an hour ago and it’s been a long day. Five hours of driving (there and back) for one is deadly boring but the train would have taken longer.


As your probably aware, today was SteemCamp 2, and after surviving SteemCamp 1 more than a year ago I knew for certain I would not have half of my brain cells surgically removed and be a STEEM drone or something worse.


Yes, I was sold on STEEM long ago so was just expecting to meet some familiar faces and hopefully some new ones.


My expectations of attendance numbers were initially not met but after @shanibeer explained that 15% of the whole UK Steemians attended, well that made sense to me.

I will continue to leave the future ones to @shanibeer and @lloyddavis and thanks for arranging all this for us, as I concede to having zero chance of getting HALF of the UK Steemians to come.


In attendance were @teodora, @rod.crisafulli, @dronegraphica, @revisesociology, @shanibeer, @lloyddavis, @redrica, @ashtv, @gillianpearce, @starkerz, @slobberchops, @steevc, @goblinknackers and new person @knightswood.



The Phoenix hotel was an excellent choice and much easier to find than last years event though both places were somewhat reminiscent of gangland, albeit the graffiti was much more tasteful in Leicester.


@knightswood explained to me that the artwork is encouraged and that every bit of wall soon will have murals or graffiti markings on them. It is unique and different and I have to say I like it.

I’m guessing there will be many more SteemCamp 2 post shortly so apologies for the duplication but my excuse is I didn’t post one last year so am making up for it this time.


@dronegraphica entertained us with a drone close to the end of the session and we are going to see some aerial photography from him quite soon.


@starkerz was explaining how @oracle-d works and had me enthralled. We need to get more investment into STEEM from outside sources and particularly businesses and I do want to be a part of this.

Who would not want to help raise the price of the STEEM token? It is early days but his vision is outstanding and I would suggest everyone watch what @oracle-d is going to present in opportunities in the coming months.


My friend and co-worker @goblinknackers attended and I still need to call him for his view on the event.


He was digging in nicely from what I could see and engaging well with the rest of us. That is good too see.


After some final drinks at a nearby pub I said my goodbyes and wished everyone well. See you all at SteemFest 4.



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