First Sunday of Spring!!! Positive vibes

  Hi everyone...what a great Sunday. Spent most part of my Sunday morning learning about Steemit. i was absolutely clueless about the site and how to get started. So after spending close to 6 hours on YouTube and Steemit site...things have finally came together. I'M IN.....  

  After all that madness, i hit the treadmill and did a few workouts aswell, seeing that i was in a #GetThingsDone mentality...hit the gym for close to an hour. Amazing...


 Had a super lunch made by my wife after gym…


PawPaw Carrots 

Flux Seeds 


Coconut Water And Ice     

Lastly, Donated our clothes (my wife and I) mostly our child's clothes, shoes to a community Centre for abandoned kids in Klipspruit (Close to Eldorado Park, South Africa) people that side are fighting to live. 


  and finished my day with a plate of Noodles for supper…lol, what a day…productive and progressive. Wish my years in this beautiful planet could be like this daily.   

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