[Free write] My More Power Shoes

First of all, I would like to dedicate this post to my favorite shoe manufacturer Vibram, and also two friends @akiroq and @erikahfit. I would like to introduce my running shoes in detail as in why do I choose them and how they became my favorite "faster" shoes.

Why five toes split

Source from Pixabay
See that feet? Toes on human feet are not exactly the same, but individually each and every toe needs the flexibility to help balance when we run/stand still or who knows may be grab a rope like a monkey does.

Source from Wikipedia
Now do you get the bigger picture? Despite we do not have fingers on our feet, but they are there.

The human foot consists of multiple bones and soft tissues which support the weight of the upright human. Specifically, the toes assist the human while walking,providing balance, weight-bearing, and thrust during gait.
Source from Wikipedia

Run faster shoes

This is actually a tracking shoe rather than a proper running shoe. I choose this one because of the way it was built.
Apologize on the over exposure because I need to show you the shoe lace is actually stretchable material and they're hidden inside the flap. And the flap is also a zap locker that can secure the entire shoes without feeling being roped. Note that the shoe lace has a fast release locking button. So it's really convenient. But hey, I have never touch the fast release buttong because the straps works perfectly to me.
The outer sole is more like a off road truck kind of thread. It gives me full sense on the floor, which some or many of you does not like. But I personally like to feel the surface of the earth. The arch area has a piece of harder material on the outside attached to the sole. I wouldn't know how well it works with high arch people, but it's absolutely suitable for my extremely fat and flat duck feet.
It has a high colar due to the nature of having said this shoe is supposed to be a tracking shoe. The cloth material is quite rugged and yet it allow air sip through the threads. Behind the shoe has a handle for user to pull their shoes in.
Toes are individually protected by a layer of outer sole. On top of the foot has a rubber strap, allow user to be tightly strap down the shoes.

My testimony

Personally, I have some knee joint problem. Back in school days I already hurt my knees at many occasion, added with adulthood overweight causes my joint wear become even more severe. This pair of Vibram FiveFingers Spyridon MR Elite literally brings me so much fun and joy when running with it. I would like to thanks my friend TK Foo who brought this pair of shoe to me. Previously, it only came alive on special occasion, like if the workout coach wanted me to do interval sprint and I wish to break a record, I will use this pair of shoe. Other than that, I kept this pair in storage and use my other Adidas Duramo. It still like new, because it was rarely used, it has been with me since July 2017. And after some thought recently after reading @akiroq article about shoes day, I have increasingly use this pair of shoes to atleast once a week now. Fortunately, no weakening on the seams sealant. Let's finish this pair of shoes and move on to another one.

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