[Surfer's log] Coal Oil Point, California

The surf has been pumping in Santa Barbara lately. However, the natural disasters have put a lot of stress on local families and our tourist economy that depends on visitors from Los Angeles and other cities south. The highway 101 and mountain roads were closed for public traffic for two weeks because of a terrible mudslide. We were basically cut off for a while. There was no way to get to the best surf spots in our area such as Rincon or Ventura Point.

So, the locals were left with only two choices - either surf downtown (it’s only good for beginners) or go to other few spots by the famous University of California at Santa Barbara. One of them is called Coal Oil Point and can be fun once in a while. Of course it isn’t nearly as good as Rincon and is clogged with UCSB newbies who paddle out from their dorms and nearby apartments. But you get what you get and should be thankful for any opportunity. That’s exactly what we did! Chris, with his board. And I, with my camera:)






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