Fighting side by side with Grumpy Dwarf. The (not so successful) Adventures of two Axe-Wielding Warriors.

On the Battlefield with Grumpy Dwarf


Hey fellow Splinterlanders,

The Challenge of the week dictated a battle with our friend Grumpy Dwarf.


He is a solid fighter, but he is just a common card, so he unfortunately only has common-tier skills and that showed in this featured battle.

As you can see on the photo above, I tried my best to assist with a battle-axe of my own, but in all honesty, I was no help at all.
The weight of the world lay on the shoulders of this tiny, but sturdy creature, and he was not up for the challenge.

Granted, it was an epic battle, but we lost the fight and had to lick our wounds. I threw Grumpy in another battle, but with the same outcome and I didn't want him to be humiliated another time, so I post our loss.
There is no shame in that, when you hold your head up high, even - in Grumpy's case - if that means 3.2 feet :o).

The Battle Ruleset

  • Mana Limit: 21
  • Standard Ruleset: No modification to the standard gameplay rules and mechanics.

I tried the Death summoner Zintar Mortalis. In low Mana battles, death is always a good option.

My Line-Up



Round 1

I wish, I would have rented Owster for this one. Of course, you never know, what your opponent chooses as a line-up, but
Owster often got me out of trouble, when playing with subpar cards.
Two of the Magic-Monsters would have killed themselves in Round 1, but with [ ], I got no reflect kill at all and instead, Grumpy Dwarf
had to tank, and he is no tank, unfortunately.

Round 2
First strike, and Grumpy was gone. With that, I only had the Undead Priest and three ranged, who were cannon fodder, once, they
were forced in the first position.
Additionally I had some bad luck with dodges of the Pixies.

Round 3
In this round, it was a brutal slaughter. I never stood a chance with this line-up, regardless of Grumpy Dwarf.

If you want to watch the battle, here is the link to it.


Do I play often with the Grumpy Dwarf? No. At Level 1, he only has 2 health points and as we just saw, he is a one-shot for magic-creatures,
when they play with Alric or any other summoner, who gives additional magic attack.
In certain rulesets, he could be useful, but I seldomly recruit him for battle.

I hope, he will overcome this defeat and grow stronger. Maybe at level 3 or 4, he will get another chance.

Thank you for reading and a big thank you to the Splinterlands team for not only building such a great game and community, but to host these challenges, so new players can participate in more ways, than playing the game.
See ya in battle.

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