Divine Sorceress is Cunning Indeed


Greetings, Steemians...

🌟It is Weekly Challenge Time🌟


This is my submission in SHARE YOUR BATTLE Weekly Challenge.

This week's theme is DIVINE SORCERESS


A Divine Sorceress, among her many psychic powers, can completely block out pain. The Order of the Silver Shield has put these skilled mages to good use in their spy missions. If captured, the Sorceress holds up extremely well to torture, then uses her magic to escape, destroying her captors.
To be honest, I seldomly use DEVINE SORCERESS. So pardon me if I may be a bit off color when using it. I think, it is best suited in the last or 1st position where it can absorb the first attack due to Devine Shield ability. It is also a good choice for Little League battle rule. Costing just 3 mana with magic attack of 2....not bad at all especially if there is no magic reflect in play.


My Entry

This was a 33 mana battle with one rule: Broken Arrow, meaning there is no ranged attack, so I had to take measures to counter the enemy magic attack. Plus also keep in mind that only two splinters were allowed; Life and Earth.


Battle Link


Team Selection and Placement

I choose to play with Tyrus Paladium, because the enemy also used Tyrus Paladium in his/her last 5 battle. I usually don't play with life splinter, so it is nice to use Tyrus Paladium once in a while for a change.

I placed LORD ARIANTHUS upfront, because it can sock up every kind of attack and also reflects magic. Perfect low cost card to place up front. I wish to upgrade it further to level 3 where Thorns ability comes in play making it even more lethal.

I placed PRISMATIC ENERGY on one down poition, to have another defensive layer against the imminent magic attack. One of the best card to counter magic attack, because it has good health coupled with Magic Reflect and Void ability.

On the third rank, I placed DEVINE SORCERESS. May just for the sake of this very challenge. I admit under using this card.

Next, I placed my DEFENDER OF TRUTH in order to give all my monsters +2 shield and providing them extra protection from melee attack.

On the 2nd last position, I placed SILVERSHIELD ASSASSIN. Poison laced Sneak Double strike, this card is indeed a match winner.

On the very last, I used CRYSTAL WEREWOLF. Perfect card to defend against Sneak attacks as it has Thorns ability. And don't forget about the Silence ability. Awesome combo of abilities at a very reasonable mana cost.



This was a very long battle. Like me, the enemy also used LORD ARIANTHUS and PRISMATIC ENERGY upfront. The enemy also had Sneak attack in the form of FERAL SPIRIT, which was quickly neutralized by the Thorns of my CRYSTAL WEREWOLF. My ASSASSIN gradually started eating the enemy from the back. Overall, I think the enemy lost because after losing his FERAL SPIRIT he never had any true attack left.

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That will be all for today.
Take very good care of yourself and people close to you..
Until next time...

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