RULESET: Holy Protection

All units gain the Divine Shield ability which reduces the damage of the first attack received to 0.


Some abilities that can help in this ruleset: Poison can be apply while you are taking off their Divine Shield same for Cripple, Blast to clean several units shield at once, Resurrection to use the Divine shield twice on the same unit.

My Battle:

Battle Link: Click Here to see the Battle

Others Rulesets and Battle Conditions:

Reverse Speed: Monsters with the lowest speed attack first.

Up to Eleven: All Monsters have the Amplify ability.

Splinters Allowed: Earth, Life , Death , Dragon.

Max Mana: 38

My Team:

Summoner: Level 6 Obsidian

Tank: Level 7 Terraceous Grunt

Level 3 Magi of Chaos

Level 3 Queen Mycelia

Level 7 Goblin Psychic

Level 3 Djinn Biljka

Level 5 Mycelic Slipspawn

Round 2

Both Magic teams but I already take his tank, he has to divide his attacks between my Taunt and my Tank and I heal both with Triage and Tank Heal.

Round 3

Round 4

Round 4

Round 5 and Final

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