What Is (DMT or N,N-DMT) The Spirit Molecule!

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Now, I haven't done DMT yet but based off of research it's incredible.

What is DMT?

DMT or N,N-Dimethyltryptamine is a chemical that can be found in plants and animals. In the Amazon they have ayahuasca ceremonies which they brew a tea called "Quechua". This tea is made from the shrub "Psychotria viridis" and DMT is the active hallucinogenic compound in the shrub.

How to use it!

I have already mentioned that DMT can be ingested via the "Quechua" tea but it can also be eaten in its crystal form or smoked through a pipe or bong. Smoking or eating DMT in its crystal form will give you a shorter but still very powerful hallucinogenic experience. DMT is probably the most psychedelic experience known in existence.

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“When we understand what consciousness is, we’ll have a better sense of determining whether it exists outside of the body. That is, we’ll know what we’re looking for.”

Quote by Rick Strassman

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History of DMT

DMT has been known to be around since the late 8th century and could be found in "Snuffs" like the Cohoba snuff.

The Cohoba snuff is an old Taíno Indian transliteration for a ceremony in which the ground seeds of the cojóbana tree were inhaled in a twin-nasal, Y-shaped pipe (also called Cohoba), producing a psychedelic effect.


In 1931 Richard Helmuth Fredrick Manske was credited for first synthesizing DMT.

How much is too much?

Looking at the studies of DMT it appears you would need to take a dose 20 times larger then the typical dose given during an ayahuasca ceremony for it to be lethal. This is based off of giving DMT doses to rodents. You have a greater risk of a bad trip similar to other psychedelics like LSD or psilocybin then you do of it being unsafe for your body.

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How fast does it work and how long does it last?

DMT when smoked will act very fast. It will reach its full potential within 2 minutes of being inhaled
and will only last for 15-20 minutes.

If you drink the "Quechua tea" the ayahuasca brew it can take up to an hour to kick in and could last several hours.

Will DMT show up on a drug test?

DMT will not show up on a drug test because it's not included in the drug screens. It's chemical properties are not even similar to other drugs so you can't even get a false positive on your drug test. So smoke away! :)

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Last but not least - Some tips!

  • Be cautious when combining DMT with cannabis, amphetamines or cocaine. List of safe drugs combinations

  • DMT can cause changes in perception and out of body experiences

  • DMT is extremely potent so start with a small dose

  • Enjoy!

Love you all

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