The Username

The truth of the name is ironic. Coincidental. Not knowing what content I would be submitting to this online hub of information, I choose my username based off of a song I was listening to. I recommend checking it out. "Rollin' Around" by Nat & Alex Wolff.
And their it was the username I forgot about that I created three months ago....rollinaround.

Nothing special right? Nah I didn't think so either. I just enjoyed the sound of the username. "catchy" I told myself.
But then today after hours of research and procrastination of what I actually should be doing...I realized what I want to write about...spinal cord injuries.

Ironic right? But seriously I didn't realize my username was "rollinaround" at the time I decided what I wanted to write about. So I guess it's "meant to be..."

I am not a paraplegic. I do not know how it feels to go through a life changing accident. To be paralyzed. I do not have to deal with the daily challenges and mental struggles that comes with it.
But I do see it everyday. I see the struggle my brother faces everyday of his life. I see the mental health and well being of his situation. And I'd like to talk about it. For someone out their that can relate to it.

So I want this page to become a place of empathy. Empathy for those who are dealing with a spinal cord injuries and don't have anyone to talk to. I will be writing about things I see, second hand. And not only my brothers struggels my mental health as well. Relating back to how SCI effects to what family members and friends.
But I will be trying to create positive material so everyday wether or not your dealing with this your self, have a friend of family member in this situation, or would like to learn more about my anonymous life then please go ahead and read the jumbled up misspelled words on the screen.

I am not a writer. But I do have a lot to say.

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