Wonderful unexpected surprises: Palma de Mallorca, Spain

Cathedral de Mallorca

I was exhausted…after traveling from the U.K. to Norway, France and then Spain (Mallorca) and a siesta was definitely needed. I didn’t know anyone in Mallorca, I decided to stay in an Airbnb to meet other travelers and locals.


On the first day, I went to a restaurant my Airbnb host recommended “Bar España” (Tapas). Believe it or not! But it was actually the first time I’ve tried Tapas and it was…amazing. The staff were really nice recommending what I should try as a first timer :D.




While I was sitting munching on my Tapas and sipping a glass for white wine a very nice lady (Ms. Sara) came up to me and invited me to a traditional and healthy cooking class, free of charge. She explained that her and her team will be filming the class for their website. Although, I’m not really a fan of being film by people I barely knew..but on a positive note, it will be a new experience for me..(eg. Learning how to cook something new and meeting new people).

The Chef (Ms. Roxy) and her friend (Ms. Katharina) picked me up and traveled to the site together (I’ve never met them before they picked me up, Sara told me they would…not something completely out of the blue in case you were all wondering). We met 2 other people who was invited as well (Aida and her Boyfriend, they were camping at the site actually – bag packers) and met the camera crew who Sara mentioned before (Mr. Sherman and his team).

The vegan dishes Roxy taught in the class:

1.Frito Mallorquín
2.Sobrasada (Vegan)




After the filming part was done, we all sat down to eat the food we all helped each other made together which, was just lovely getting to know everyone’s story and what got them here.


And the best part about this experience was that we became friends and are still keeping in touch after a year.

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