It's getting Cold Outside... for our Homeless Military Veterans

We've had a colder than usual summer, and early October is starting to feel like early winter instead of fall. We normally don't get our it's-so-cold-my-nipples-are-hard weather until January or February, but this year its coming in early, and it will be a bitterly cold winter.

I'm seeing more and more of our homeless military veterans sleeping rough out on the streets. There are the usual regulars, but also a lot of new faces. As a veteran myself and because I care, I do what I can for them while caring for my own aged and ill relative. I spoke with some of them, and of course no photos were taken in order to preserve their dignity, but a litany of accounts emerged as they share how they ended up living a life on the streets.

There's the typical sharing of battles with substance abuse, but also a surprising number of people who simply can't afford to keep a roof over their heads due to the rising costs of almost everything and being run out of jobs by the newcomers.

You know, the immigrants.

They Don't Really Care About Us

The shelters are filled with them, and there's "no room at the inn" for the brave American citizens who've served their country through military service, but now find themselves abandoned in their time of need.

Because in this region, migrants come first.

And while we don't take care of our own, trust me, the immigrants look out for their own.

I shared with you how me and another citizen were turned down for jobs at a chain restaurant here, when the manager told us that the foreign kitchen workers "wouldn't be comfortable" if he hired Americans to work with them. That's how it is here and in other towns in this region, especially now that they have taken control of the local governments in town after town.

I feel so bad for these people living in tents and what-not, under our bridges and up the dangerous wooded hills on the outskirts of town. I know what they've went through because I was denied work in favor of migrants willing to work for far less than the legal minimum wage for cash, under the table.

Why hire an American citizen and have to pay all those taxes, when you can take on an illegal for far less and make more money?

I get it.

But what does that do to the fabric of society when that behavior becomes the norm? Many of the migrants wire the money they make to bring in EVEN MORE desperate immigrants into an area that's already saturated with them.

What happens when the pool of citizens who paid into the tax base are chased off in favor of immigrants not paying into the system? You're seeing it here in the emergency rooms, a shortage of resources for teachers, the police, and other first responders. Taxes keep going up for the shrinking number of city residents left who pay and don't wire their money out of the country.

Our city went from being one of the top 25 best places to live in America 40 years ago, to now being in the top 10 worst cities to live in in our state, and one of the most violent small towns in America.

I almost feel sorry for any migrant migrating here in search of the American dream, cause as a local woman once said; "you ain't gonna find it here, honey."

I'm hearing the same thing from my native English friends over in the UK as well as others in Ireland. Their countries seems to be prioritizing resources for migrants instead of taking care of their own people.

This upcoming presidential election will be the most important one in a generation. This year, I plan to vote for whoever cares about Americans more than they care about illegal migrants, and I'm still undecided about who that is.

Does anybody give a shit about American citizens anymore or is the whole country being handed over to illegal immigrants?

The political party of the person doesn't matter to me. Which candidate will support Americans over immigrants, do something about inflation, tackle illegal immigration, and end the forever wars? That's who I'll vote for.

Those are the issues that matter to me and almost every American voter I speak to here in this swing state of Pennsylvania.

Help a Veteran Today

So I hope those of you can pardon the fact that we don't spend a whole lotta time concerned with sending more aid to countries overseas, when we have so many homeless military veterans living on our streets.

It gets a little tiring to see some guy come over here every six months DEMANDING more humanitarian aid, more weapons, more financial assistance while doing everything he can to pull us into his war while our own veterans die in the streets.

Cut him a check and get him the fuck outta here, that's all he wants anyways.

The United States despite being hated across the planet, sends out so much aid to so many countries.

Yet we don't look out for our own who served.

Its time we did.

As a proud veteran myself, I do what I can with the little that I have. I was able to use my contacts to get a few of those homeless military veterans a roof over their heads in one of the last few beds available.

Luckily, there are still some Americans working at some of the agencies not (yet) controlled by migrants, where I was able to make something happen. But it's only a drop in the bucket, and there's so much more that needs to be done.

If we patriots and veterans don't look out for each other, no one else will.

So if you're reading this, and you're a patriotic American citizen who supports our military, help an American homeless military veteran today. The migrants take care of their own, we need to take care of ours.

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