Temple Des Pythons: Do not try this at home

Will i do this agian? Well you can guess the answer

I visited a friend this morning and i heard the story of how a neighbour had sleepless night as a little snake had invaded her toilet using the back door.

Her story ofcourse remember me of my encounter at the temple of de pythons in Benin, Nigeria.

Sometimes the very thing you are afraid of may not be that harmful when handled with care and caution...

Of course i would not try this at home.

This was adventure at its peak for 3 months ago when a visited the Temple Des Pythons, Ouidah in Benin, Nigeria.

It was really uneasy for me at first but after much courage and following the rules i could blend with it.

What you do know how to use can kill you

You snakes i learnt can be more active and twitchy than the older ones especially when handled.

I noticed as well they emit musky scent which is harmless any way but a swift reaction to feeling threatened. But as soon as the snake grows accustomed to being held , the odour should stop.

The rule of thumb
Generally, snakes are always not in the mood to be picked up so as a rule:

Wash your hands first before handling snakes

Pet Snakes are very sensitive to smells and may bit your hand mistakingly for food

    **Proper timing**

When the snake is hissing would not be the proper time for you to handle. Its a sign of aggresion.

**know how to handle the snake**

Pick up the snake from the middle part of the body and not the head..

Previous post:
Statue of Queen Moneri, heroine of Ife

I look forward to taking to a bit wild in my next post.


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