Lunchtime run: Steady does it

My legs are still stiff from the race on Sunday and I've got some mix of a cold and hayfever, but I needed to get out there. Not too hot out, but that suits me. I did a loop I've done a few times. I was finding my km splits were fairly consistently around 5:45, which I'm happy with. I lost time on the way back as I stopped at the outdoor gym for a few reps on the machines there. I wanted to work my arms a bit.


One the way back I passed a guy playing the clarinet. You can just see him on the grass bank. I've seen him doing this around the site where I work. That's a good way to spend your lunch break. This tunnel tends to get flooded when it rains a lot.


I aim to get another run in this week and I hope to get back to parkrun soon.

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