My first ultra race of 2023

Saturday I ran my first ultra of the year. It was a new backyard ultra not far from where I live, so it was a great test of how my shape is after a long winter. (For those unfamiliar with the concept, a backyard ultra is a race where you start a 6.7 km lap ever hour and the race continues until there is only one person left.) I have not had a great winter of running, but I have been running consistently although less than what is normal for me. Also, my long runs have not been long enough for what I would like before an ultra race, so I was not at all confident that I would manage 7 laps which is what you need to get to ultra distance. I had also decided before the race started that if I got to 7 laps I would stop so I did not risk getting any injuries. Getting injured just before the summer would be such a bummer!


Me after two laps

The day came with sun and decent temperatures, around 10-12 degrees C. Since we had snow just five days earlier I was super happy! There was still a little bit of snow on the course but nothing that made running difficult. I met some people I know from previous races and the first two laps I just chatted all the way. The third lap I could already feel my legs getting heavy. It was not surprising but still I felt bummed. I decided that sore muscles was not an injury and went out on the fourth lap. During that lap my legs were suddenly fine again and I could actually easily run through the 7 laps I had hoped for! I ate some bananas, had a couple of sports drinks and that was it. Suddenly I had to stop because it was my plan. I called my husband in the hope that he would tell me it was ok to continue, but he reminded me of my lack of proper training and the chance of injuries because of that. So I stopped. I felt fantastic! Consistent running over years meant I could run 50 km just like that. After the race I got a sports massage from this guy offering that at the finish line and I have not felt the least bit sore afterwards. Yesterday I went for two walks and today I feel ready to exercise again. Sports massage
Altra Via Olympus

Altra Norway had a stand at the race. It is one of the brands I usually wear so I borrowed this new model they have on a couple of my laps. They were a bit too coushioned for me though so I won't be buying them, but it was nice to get to test them.
Some chairs, tents and cars at the interloopal area

The last man standing ended up with 188 km if anyone was wondering.

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